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  1. Turbo Habanero

    Trying to cure Boost drop off..

    I wonder what a new one cost or if there is a aftermarket option available beside a external setup
  2. Turbo Habanero

    Trying to cure Boost drop off..

    I get paid on Monday I would rather pay you for it but I Appreciate it tons. Is there a way to rebuild the stock waste gate ? Does anyone have a link or any info or doing this? Is it as simple as replacing the springs ? I have no clue when it comes to our internal waste gates.
  3. Turbo Habanero

    Trying to cure Boost drop off..

    Thanks for the reply's guys. Airhead let me know how much you want for it and to ship to 85742 Tucson AZ I Appreciate the help. On a side note if I get this problem fixed I'm going to need some wider tires lol. I think the boost drop off helps me with traction in second :)
  4. Turbo Habanero

    Nice pic!

    don't we all Brad
  5. Turbo Habanero

    Christmas In May??

    Is the vents fully functional ? Could you post a link of where you got it from ? Looks good congrats time to update your Profile pic :)
  6. Turbo Habanero


    Please do it's a relatively cheap fix for a whole lot of piece of mind. It's just safety for you and the car and possibly others. I took a quick look but could not find it in the EPC Here's the link if you want to check it out
  7. Turbo Habanero

    Trying to cure Boost drop off..

    So i've had this problem for who knows how long as i just decided recently to start turning up the boost. As of right now my boost will hit 17.5psi (3rd gear pull from 40mph) and not hold that for even a second before falling slowly to 12.5-13psi by redline. Any help or insight is welcome...
  8. Turbo Habanero

    Performace upgrades for the 7mGE????

    You'd be lucky to see 150whp from a 7MGE now days
  9. Turbo Habanero

    thinking about getting a boost controller

    Profec b has a very good rep. I like the AEM TRUBOOST
  10. Turbo Habanero

    piping question

    You might as well spend the extra $150 and get a whole intercooler kit with BOV. A full IC kit will run you about $400 A full piping kit with BOV is around $250
  11. Turbo Habanero

    Hey SM! 92 Turbo coming out of hiding

    I would love to own that car. But i'm broke lol
  12. Turbo Habanero

    New to the Forum :)

    Nice looking car tells us more about her. 86.5,87 or 88? Turbo or N/A?
  13. Turbo Habanero

    The Fruition of Obsession -- 310,000 mile makeover --

    Congrats super jealous of your harness
  14. Turbo Habanero

    supra na with milky oil bhg ?

    I would assume so. For feature reference there is a tech section for the GE engine, this is the section for the GTE :)
  15. Turbo Habanero


    ^^^^ hey I noticed that on top of your alternater you do not have the plastic cover over the power wire. Be warned that many Mk3s have burned to the ground this way.
  16. Turbo Habanero

    Performace upgrades for the 7mGE????

    Yea just buy a used turbo manifold and CT26 for cheap from a gte along with a intercooler and down pipe run some oil lines and run about 8psi-10psi and make 250-280whp Make sure your Motor is in Good shape.
  17. Turbo Habanero

    first post

    Nice I like it.
  18. Turbo Habanero

    Nice pic!

    Anyway to tell what Year this photo or date it was taken or finding out the reason for the meet. I'm impressed with the quality of every cars paint.
  19. Turbo Habanero

    Need some help. Quite a bit actually.

    You can do that adding fuel never hurts in small adjustments. Just remember do it by 1-3% adjustments at the most between runs
  20. Turbo Habanero

    Bad AFM electronics or something else?

    I would start searching the engine harness for burn marks or holes. As for the turbo spool sound check for boost leaks or open vac lines make sure couplers are on and not hung up on anything