:3d_frown: I was at the petrol station, and I was driving out of the washing bay after washing my car and saw the Taxi pass by. As I was driving out I looked at my right and saw the Taxi reveresing straight at me and the guy wasn't even looking behind so I was beeping my horn at him in an...
Farkk they hold quite alot!! well ty lots for your information :D. I have alot of workmates who always talks bad about auto like they're reading a hot4 magazine and 'Aww it's auto what a PITA' But I suppose you get more respect if you can pull of good times with a manual. But for...
Hmm I never looked into autos that much when it comes to drag racing. I only heard of th350-400 and yeah. Gotta do my homework on them.
Can't wait till see it finished:D
'Both suspects and the people they hit are uninjured.............. until the owner got out his car and started slapping the crap outta them'
A great sacrifice the mkIII done to stop those criminals. *salutes*
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