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  1. DreamerTheresa

    Not a Supra but I've got a Supra motor

    Holy crap, man, that thing's gonna be nuts. Welcome! :)
  2. DreamerTheresa

    DT's Life-Improving Book of the Month Club

    And to those who don't have the book yet, but want to get started: Step 1: get out of debt. pay that shit down. Step 2: track your money input/output. Mike and I use Quicken. is free, and though I haven't used it, I've heard good things about it. Step 3: ??? Step 4...
  3. DreamerTheresa

    V8 Super Cars Under Lights

    I prefer V8 Super Cars under Other Cars.
  4. DreamerTheresa

    DT's Life-Improving Book of the Month Club

    This month: "The Millionaire Next Door" by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley Dr. William D. Danko I bought mine used from Amazon for like $4 shipped...
  5. DreamerTheresa

    Michael Vick signs with team

    The dog lover in me wants to see him fry. The libertarian in me goes on about property laws and shit. Dammit.
  6. DreamerTheresa

    Canadians Getting fucked by ups

    USPS was too far? Uh........ they show up at the mailbox. Lame.
  7. DreamerTheresa

    47 people incarcerated in a plane for nine hours (What if it happened to you)

    :: blink :: :P I've not posted here 'til now. My ass would have been off that plane. I don't give a damn. No food, water, airflow, or toilets for 9 hours. Yeah. Totally something I'm gonna "suck up" and not "be a pussy" about.
  8. DreamerTheresa

    It's blue!!!!

    No. go to if you wanna see shit like that (oooh, pun-y)
  9. DreamerTheresa

    Random YouTube Videos.... (Some very NWS)
  10. DreamerTheresa

    Seatbelt saved my life....

    I actually said the following out loud: "Aww, honey muffin!" Poor JMD. I hope you feel better soon, hon.
  11. DreamerTheresa

    Happy Birthday Ian!

    Happy boobday! er, I mean.... uh... Happy birthday!
  12. DreamerTheresa

    which one of you lucky ladies is mine?

    This post has saved you from me driving to your house and punching you in the gooch. :love::love::love:
  13. DreamerTheresa

    Men: Bread winner?

    Then, I feel, it's more like a roommate situation rather than a partnership. Mike makes 3 times what I do. If we halved everything, I wouldn't have enough money to cover everything. We still have separate bank accounts, but do the bills together. We pay bills out of the account that...
  14. DreamerTheresa

    Happy Birthday Poodles!

    Yay! Happy b-day!