Just got in and was hoping for good news.:3d_frown:
I'll get in touch w/you Scott. Hope I can ride in yours as I know yours is almost done...mmm mechanically:evil2:
I think I have that virus already Miguel.
Hydroplaning isn't as much fun as I thought it would be.:3d_frown:
Sorry to hear about you car. Shell should be pretty easy to find and hopefully you had insurance to cover some of the cost.
Gun nutt = Big gun collection looks like pretty good collection.
Golf nutt = Friend saw Ben Crenshaw's golf club collection it is unbelievable.
Car nutt = Car collection Who own''s the Imperial palace in Vegas and Biloxi has one of top car collections.
Ken it gets more fun when you don't have to chase your ball. When you can picture in your mind a certain shot and then do it just like you pictured.
DT golf on tv is so boring. Golf against Jay is another story!
best score is 66.
when not playing regularly like now high 70's...
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