Search results

  1. te72

    Spartan living, or, "How to budget for a Supra project"

    I rarely quote myself, but man, was this a prophetic post. I may need to revisit this thread, with the things I've learned in the near-decade since I initially wrote it. As always, feel free to add any advice that can benefit others in here, things your Supra ownership has taught you over the...
  2. te72

    Your job title!!!

    Of all the folks I meet at SIV every year, I'd say at least one in four is an engineer. Lots of military folks, as well as a pilot or two, couple doctors, etc... I think I'm in the wrong field haha. Heh, well said Andy. These cars suffer no fools, that's for sure! Mine has only tried to light...
  3. te72

    Favourite Cereal?

    So, Megan brought home some peanut butter chocolate Cheerios... good stuff. Speaking of Cheerios, do they still make the apple-cinnamon ones? You know, the ones that had the little chips of what I can only assume were dehydrated apples on the cereal?
  4. te72

    1jz efr 7163 compressor surge at full throttle

    After some discussion with some more experienced folk, I've come to a different conclusion in my case. The exhaust housing of my turbo is a bit on the small side. The turbo spools up hard, stuffing the head full of air, but due to the smallish size of the exhaust housing, it has a bit of trouble...
  5. te72

    Side vents (question)

    It's been something of a long "short" week for me, so perhaps I'm a bit confused, but did you find the answer you were looking for? Stock Mk4 doesn't have any sort of vent where you circled, at least not that I've noticed anyway? On some cars the engine bay vents through a hole in the side of...
  6. te72

    What do you call these parts??

    Just need a bigger toilet Koenig haha! Good luck sorting out old OEM hardware bits, some of the more unique stuff can be hard to find a suitable replacement for, unfortunately. I can't remember any specifics off the top of my head, but I've used a few parts I discovered at work (Caterpillar...
  7. te72

    A Look inside the Stock Muffler

    Thanks for sharing your findings Pirate. Mine fell off my 88 NA back in the day, the weld failed right at the inlet / pipe joint. That was an embarrassing day or two... everybody trying to race me from the stop lights, that car was so slow until you got the weight out of its own way haha. Very...
  8. te72

    Shine Auto Project BLACK FRIDAY SALE Till the END of NOVEMBER

    Ken, I think more than anything, what us Mk3 owners need these days is quality reproduction trim. Trim for both the windows and the belt line, it has become one of those things where IF you can find it, you will pay dearly for NOS parts. I think as these cars get older, things like this will be...
  9. te72

    Can you get a permanent plate for our cars?

    All this legal nonsense makes me appreciate Wyoming. Downside to the lack of red tape is the state's appetite for my green paper... $137 to register my 87 Supra... every... single... year... from... now... until... forever. You read that right. It basically works out to $100 registration fee...
  10. te72

    Bring the sexy back.

    Thanks Rodel, it's plastidip, color is Tahitian Green. Came out really nicely, Megan is good at this sort of thing, we make quite the team. :)
  11. te72

    Powder Coating

    I'm throwing my hat in the "nay" column as well, unless you have an aftermarket pulley that has no rubber. Worst case the rubber separates and the pulley works its way off or your timing goes all sorts of funky...
  12. te72

    Gonna try to get back in the supra game

    Jeff got the big boy engine, the IS350, but yeah, it's the manual. His Corolla though... drool.
  13. te72

    A Man walks into his house.

    What do you call a lizard after a hard workout? Dinosaur.
  14. te72

    Favourite Cereal?

    Try taking cookies, smash them up a bit, pour in a bit of milk (not too much), and enjoy! Used to do this with a whole bag of oreos, it's quite the delicious meal. Will have to try that, sounds good. I'm the same way, I try to stick to reasonably healthy stuff, I find that it fills me up...
  15. te72

    Side vents (question)

    Are you talking about the hole just to the rear of the doors? Those are inlets for cooling air for the brakes on most cars. I've never taken much time to look at the Mk4, but it is likely for brake cooling. Brake cooling vents might be the correct term here.
  16. te72

    Bring the sexy back.

    Well, not a phone user, wouldn't have any idea how to do that, but let's see if I can figure it out... open picture in picture viewer, print screen, open MS Paint, paste, post? Success? This was outside a place called Cisco, in Utah. Pretty certain that part of the film Vanishing Point...
  17. te72

    Custom VS. Rare Parts

    I have quite a bit of custom stuff on my car, and it shows. I mean that in the kindest way, since I made most of them... but hey, they're functional, and you don't see them on the outside of the car, so I'm ok with it. Look at a lot of race cars though, sometimes function and serviceability is...
  18. te72

    Biggest tires possible without modding?

    To add to my original post, I think you could get away with a 27" tall tire without much headache. 275/40/17 is right around 26" and they fit just fine in stock wells if you have the right offset and suspension. The wheel wells are pretty big. If you don't really care about width, that opens up...
  19. te72

    Circuit of The Americas (COTA) Track Event February 23-25, 2018

    Yeah, I hear ya. I thought this was for ONE day. Three days at that rate... seems a little more reasonable. Now, if you could afford the consumables and lodging, you'd be set! I'm in the same boat as you though bud, nearest track to me is a little kart track that is just big enough for cars...
  20. te72

    Bring the sexy back.

    Rodel, about the closest thing I know to inspiration involving my car is how Megan took a large portion of the spray paint off my car (darned previous owners!) with a buffer... she doesn't do body work professionally at all, just watched some videos online, and yet, the results were really quite...