17's in front and 18's in the rear :icon_mull :thumbsdow
17's or 18's will look good. I'd go at least 8" wide in the front and 9" in the rear (that being the minimum).
Well your going to dump 5-600 on the shocks and tems contoller then leave for basic training. I'd run it how it is until you can afford the coilovers if you can. I've wasted my fair share of money on things only to upgrade to something better. You could get your money back for the tems...
Put the oil temp gauge in the cig hole, its not easily visible and needs less attention then the boost gauge.
Forget the HKS TEMS controller and front suspension and save for some coilovers. You won't be disappointed :)
Thats a very nice car you picked up. The 91 burgandy is alot nicer then the Gunmetal rims look great on that color, so when you upgrade make sure you pick up some gunmetal rims :) Congrats! :love:
You need a location in your title, and you put this in the wrong section. PM a mod and they'll edit it for you ;)
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