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  1. GrimJack

    vibrations at idle, with new engine mounts.

    Well, there are only a few possible culprits, because at idle, and stopped, there are only a few parts that rotate. You're going to have to go through the basic steps of troubleshooting, eliminating one piece at a time. Does the clutch have any effect? If so, it's something in the clutch or...
  2. GrimJack

    thank you supramania!

    Nice blue car. :) If you're ever up in the Vancouver, Canada, area, bring your bike, and I'll give you a tour of the local trails. Remember to bring a full pack of crazy.
  3. GrimJack

    I may be THE FIRST.... Nah, I can't be...

    The theory behind it is actually quite simple. Pass a magnetic field through a chunk of metal. The field is quite happy flowing through the metal, but not so happy flowing through air. Now, spray iron dust on the part. The magnetic field is happier with metal to flow through, so where ever...
  4. GrimJack

    I may be THE FIRST.... Nah, I can't be...

    Quoting from memory here... something about fuel washing past the rings and contaminating the oil, so he didn't have enough lubrication on the crank. Guilty as charged.
  5. GrimJack

    vibrations at idle, with new engine mounts.

    Ya, keep in mind that bolt is really hard steel, so machining it is a bit of a bitch.
  6. GrimJack

    Cup holder mod

    There was a DIN sized one that fits above or below your stereo from a Corolla, I think. Travel mugs by Contigo kick ass, too. Fully sealable, push button activated to drink, insulated, and most coffee shops will fill them directly and save a cup...
  7. GrimJack

    I may be THE FIRST.... Nah, I can't be...

    The only guy I've heard of who has damaged a crank is Mibrum on his rail dragster, and even that didn't break, it twisted, IIRC. And that car is, well, a bit above 425 at the wheels. ;-)
  8. GrimJack

    vibrations at idle, with new engine mounts.

    I don't think the alternator could do that. Maybe if it was actually torn up inside, but even then, it seems like it should just slip the belt. I don't know of a good way to check the damper. If it's the original one that came with the car, it's almost certainly toast by now, the rubber...
  9. GrimJack

    Quite possibly the best web comic ever (xkcd post)

    Rumor has it, if you printed this out at 300dpi, it would be 42 feet wide.
  10. GrimJack

    vibrations at idle, with new engine mounts.

    Dead front damper pulley? I doubt it's the mounts, even my solid mounts don't shake stuff in the cabin.
  11. GrimJack

    Antenna Wire Location...

    If you used an adapter, you're using the antenna in the glass. It's ok, but the mast antenna is better most of the time.
  12. GrimJack

    92 7mgte dipstick the Best

    This post is worthless without pics.
  13. GrimJack

    The Mistress

    Subframe all put back together... except for a single set of control arms that I'm waiting for. And as usual, I'm putting it back together with some shiny new bits from Toyota.
  14. GrimJack

    Supra Drifting ? Plausable?!

    My 2J car was originally built as a drift car. The weight thing is easily solved with more power, so that's not an issue. The toughest problem is the steering angle - or lack of.
  15. GrimJack

    Stretch's Digidash thread

    I'd check another dealer before I gave up on that... I know a few guys who have purchased new ones in the last year or so, so if it's end of life, it just happened. I'd be more inclined to think the dealer you spoke to is being a clown outfit, and it can still be ordered, but it might have to...
  16. GrimJack

    The Mistress

    Ya ya ya... here's some better pics. And I put the old 7M car back together and squeezed it out of the garage past the 2J car so I have something to get me around for the next little while.
  17. GrimJack

    Interior Re-Installation... 2 Years Later??? YIKES!!! HELP!!!

    ~80lbs IIRC. The passenger seat is a bit less.
  18. GrimJack

    The Mistress

    Cripes, my photo taking skills suck. How can a guy take pics from two different angles, and still manage to hide most of the extra welding that was done? I'll try to fix that tomorrow and post some at least half decent shots.