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  1. ForcedTorque

    Front and rear glass clip kits???

    I used to work for LOF wholesale auto glass. We stocked clip kits for anything imaginable. Have your glass company call LOF (Pilkington now), or PPG, or even Safelite. It should not be hard to find them. LOF has over 100 service centers around the country, and can pull from any of them overnight...
  2. ForcedTorque

    Untraceable leak

    Mine leaks through the internal seal of the CPS, and I need to fix it. I sometimes get a very little smoke after shutting it down. If I let it sit and idle with the hood up, sometimes I can see it burn a little off, but I never see it leaking. It is a mess down there. Do you smell it burning...
  3. ForcedTorque

    I never really got the Vette thing until recently.

    Meh.....I doubt Chevy voids your warranty for driving your vette aggressively.
  4. ForcedTorque

    Supra concept cars...

    I want an 07 FT-HS
  5. ForcedTorque

    I never really got the Vette thing until recently.

    I just love how the glossy black lip looks against the torch Red
  6. ForcedTorque

    Where does everyone buy their parts?

    Jeff Watson - Champion Toyota - 1-800-327-2087 Tell him you are from Supramania (best dealer pricing you will find)
  7. ForcedTorque

    Mustang guys are talking crap

    Fucked up Old Rebuilt Dodge
  8. ForcedTorque

    Flywheel guides/pins?

    I had my flywheel resurfaced at a local parts store, and they told me it would be $2 each if they needed to replace any. They looked fine to me, and I believed if they needed to, it would be because they screwed it up, but whatever, none needed.
  9. ForcedTorque

    fail 1988 1/2 supra craigslist ad

    Cause Tenn. is the highest concentration of the rare 88.5! And I hear that in the mountains 25psi is a cinch on the Lex/550 set-up, especially with no fuel tuning or electronics to support it other than a boost controller.
  10. ForcedTorque

    reaer diff whats the differance

    The bucking is probably due to trash in the tank. The hardest part of changing the diff, is getting the axles off, after the nuts are taken off. They like to hang on, and can be a slight pain in the ass. Other than that, it's nuts, bolts and weight. A jack will help with the weight.
  11. ForcedTorque

    reaer diff whats the differance

    You may notice the difference at the gas pump
  12. ForcedTorque

    Everyone else started it, now I'm gonna finish it...

    This one has promise! I wanted that car too.
  13. ForcedTorque

    Head bolt retorque original HG...

    A retorque is not a bad idea. That is one of the cleanest 150K motors I have seen. There are 2 givens that would lead me in that direction. 1. It is well documented that the original Toyota specs are not enough to properly hold the gasket. 2. You have put 150K miles on it. You are to be...
  14. ForcedTorque

    New paint job on my old car. Come see.

    Shout at me too George! I'll be sleeping at the Beau Rivage tonight. Jay, it's beautiful down here today, you should probably have some great car washing weather.:: sunshine :: :ttiwwp:
  15. ForcedTorque

    The 87 Gay Blue Project

    You coulda unplugged the igniter, you know!:icon_bigg Great to see you not taking my pace with the car.
  16. ForcedTorque

    ForcedTorque's Slick/Quick Build

    Well, nothing good to report on the car. I got the throttle body, but the TPS on it is not good either. I think I'm going to try to get a new one. But, there IS good news finally on the job front. In the mail today, I received a letter telling me that my hire date will be on the 13th (my wife...
  17. ForcedTorque

    pushing in the clutch when starting the car

    There is a thread right now with a picture of it jumpered. It's titled something like "Help me identify these"
  18. ForcedTorque

    How to remove the headliner from under the targa?

    It's not hard. I just did it in 5 minutes to answer this question, with a targa in my shed. You pop the metal clips loose on both long sides. That leaves it still held on by the moldings down each short side. You kind of need to go up or down with it. You'll need to start one side at a time to...
  19. ForcedTorque

    cam shaft cam gear pin

    It should be there, and it should go in the middle hole on both the cam and the gear.
  20. ForcedTorque

    95 supra n/a 5speed, burnned to the ground questions on 2jzgte harness install

    Don't be scared off by a little bit of work! Some people strip all of that out for a paint job. None of it is too hard (aside from the fire repair). Do it up big since you will have it all apart and have to do all the work anyway. I would advise finding a dash harness from a car of matching...