Standalone can get a more precise tune. I'm running piggy backs and there is a slight blip in the tune where it goes very rich. And I've looked and looked and it seems that it's just normal for piggy backs to do things like that. I'd say standalone. By the time you get the neo or whatever your...
Oh wow! There is alot of material there then. I'll just shave it down then.
Seems this issue has been around for a while. Searched for threads on it but didn't find any. My bad if this is all a repost. Haha. Thanks for the idea and the confirmation that the idea will work guys. Appreciate it A...
So as some of you know my car has been running for a few weeks now, just hasn't hit the road yet. Well today was the day for it to see the road finally. I just had to fix 1 thing. An oil leak from canton oil relocation adapter on the side of the block. At first I thought it was the fittings. So...
Well I ended up taking the manifold and throttle body and all those goods off to clean them. I found that ALL the egr passages were clogged to the point where air/suction could no longer take place. And also found that the fpr was done for.
I replaced all the coolant lines/vac lines/ fuel...
OK, so I went outside in the snow (-__-) and started looking around a little. And noticed that my throttle cable had came unhooked so to speak. The end of it was still attached but it was no longer pulled tight around the bracket.
I have a 91 metro xfi. Its a Tbi engine. 3 cylinder 1.0
OK, so here is my problem....I started the car up and it started fine. So I took off down the road and it started idling very high and missing. The car ended up dying and wouldnt start back up. After letting it sit for a little while it...
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