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  1. crisp

    Ryan's 92 build thread aka NashMan

    I'm "IN" for YAHTZEE!!!:biglaugh: -crisp
  2. crisp

    CajunKenny's Build Thread

    The FORCE is STRONG with THIS one...:biglaugh: (Nice avatar!) -crisp
  3. crisp

    CajunKenny's Build Thread

    Nice shots of your "special tool" and progress, Kenny! Tear-'em-up soon! ( the STREETS, not the carpet, LOL!:biglaugh:) -crisp
  4. crisp

    Supramania's Elite Engine bay Thread...ZERO progress pics.

    Always a "work in progress", no? Mine's a "clown-car" mix... but I have fun and don't mind dreaming about what it COULD/WILL? be eventually... CURRENT: -IJ Head -T04z -HKS alphabet -Shadetree assortment -Lots-o-clutter-combo Runs great.:biglaugh: -crisp
  5. crisp

    Best of luck to anyone in Japan...

    Incomprehensible ignorance. I can't even begin to respond to that mentality... ...I'm just sick about the devastation and loss for those in the midst of this catastrophe personally and all those impacted peripherally. This is a tragedy that crosses all racial and national boundaries...
  6. crisp

    Dear Supramania,

    *RAISING GLASS IN TOAST TO LEWIS' TRIBUTE TO SUPRAMANIA...* "Hear HEAR!" ...very nicely said, Lewis. You have captured the essence for many of us, and done so unabashedly for the less secure among us to embrace in their silence. (Obviously, Ian is a bit TOO secure and hence... as...
  7. crisp

    Best of luck to anyone in Japan...

    I lived over 15 years in Japan in my youth as a missionary kid, and have MANY many friends over there now. I also frequent Japan on business and was there in January this year, with tickets and itinerary starting on this coming MONDAY for another week of VIP tours of my company's manufacturing...
  8. crisp

    1981 KP61 Starlet 2JZGTE build

    DOH!!! ...and DITTO!!! YES! Please have the inheritor join ASAP and make their presence KNOWN! (You OWE us that with all the anticipation backlog that we have invested in your "ace" of a project!;) ) Thank you, -crisp
  9. crisp

    ***The Blue Supras Thread***

    Thank you for the kind words! (my "crispmastree dash!":biglaugh: ) TRUE! ^^^ -crisp
  10. crisp

    FCD: WIRING-How To... crispics w/manual...

    GOOD EYE! I love my BCT7! (Sorry, I missed this post!) I also use the V1 with mine.:biglaugh: Just catching up on posting that GCC II manual, too! DOH! Sorry I overlooked this! ...hope that helps someone out there... -crisp
  11. crisp

    ***The Blue Supras Thread***

    Thanks! Mine's been "shaved" on the nose and had ALL badging/labeling removed since I first got it in '95, but when we did the paint this last time, I even had them remove the antennae and FILL the hole in the rear body and wing! Looks MUCH better! -crisp
  12. crisp

    ***The Blue Supras Thread***

    ...I don't think I ever posted "post-paint" shots of the car in this thread... so here are a few... (NOTE: Original blue!:love:) -crisp
  13. crisp

    ***The Blue Supras Thread***

    Ditto!:naughty: -crisp
  14. crisp

    OHIO thread

    Good numbers, Courterman! I'd love to see the curve on where yours puts that down, too! ...when you guys going to hook me up for a spin on that thing? -crisp
  15. crisp

    OHIO thread

    Nope. Mine would have been a Solara DD for those trips. The Supra is generally a bit much for longer commutes anymore... and I'd rarely chance it with my boy in tow! (Not so worried about the car "making it" as having a lot of traction issues in the cold, moist weather of the early morning...
  16. crisp

    OHIO thread

    JUST drove through Lebanon FOUR TIMES the past couple weekends enroute the Little Miami hosted soccer tournament! Nice little community down there, and KILLER rolling/twisting roads! (Would HATE to drive them in FOUL WEATHER!) Welcome. -crisp
  17. crisp

    OHIO thread

    SUPRA > dsm -crisp
  18. crisp

    OHIO thread

    Perhaps I LIKE all the lights because I grew up looking at the skyline of Tokyo???:biglaugh: BTW... my car is MUCH more interesting if you eat some CRISP MUSHROOM chocolates FIRST!!!:yikes: -crisp
  19. crisp

    OHIO thread

    Nothing to tune with the PFC F-con really, Carter... unless you have the VPC and/or GCC to give you fine tuning adjustments. ("Fine tuning" is used loosely here...) The other contributor of "tune" with this basic piggyback approach is your fuel pressure regulator assuming it's boost dependent...
  20. crisp

    CajunKenny's Build Thread

    Nice little array there, Kenny! If I need something soldered, diagnosed or otherwise electro-geekified... I sure know who is endowed with that tendency now!:biglaugh: -crisp