Search results

  1. B

    How to "Out Hommer" Hommer!

    I love it when IJ gets jealous.
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    My Black 91 Project

    Looking good.
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    My Black 91 Project

    I say drill no holes. Wingless. / /
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    My Black 91 Project

    Nice car Dude. Is it done yet?? The shop looks good guys.:)
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    What drugs/head injury prompted your Username?

    Did you say dollar shots??
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    What drugs/head injury prompted your Username?

    My name = addiction. Thanks for the thread 1J.:)
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    taking out the engine without a motor crane? possible? how to?

    Any neighbors with a backhoe or a loader or a forklift?
  8. B

    7m Engine stand bolts?

    Search is your friend...
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    Milo's Booster Seat...

    Nah. I'll just pick one up if the right one comes along. Sorry Int, I've been slacking. Nope. I'll probably get the MKII done first Scott. I know I am.:) Thanks a lot. Me too.;) I love these posts Jay. Me too. Hi. I am. My cam...
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    engine stand bolt hell :(

    Tractor store. I got mine at the Kubota dealer.
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    My '90 Supra

    Sweet. You should get these...
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    Happy Birthday, SupraCentral!

    Have the best Birthday ever Mike.
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    2400 miles of bliss!!!

    Glad to hear you made it back with no issues.
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    Rock Auto FTW!!

    If you use the code below, you get 5% of until March 21. 27045392237115 Enter the code above in the "How did you hear about us" line of the shopping cart.
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    Milo's Booster Seat...

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    ForcedTorque's Slick/Quick Build

    I didn't know either Scott.;) Jay seems to have an itchy finger lately, but I aint fraid of him. He'll never catch me.:icon_evil
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    ForcedTorque's Slick/Quick Build

    Time for a RHD shell?
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    Rock Auto FTW!!

    Yep, I just did the same thing on Saturday, got the shipped email on monday, and the part on Tuesday. Amazing.