lolz in general i think many car owners arn't the brightest. it takes a little guidance and involvement with a community of enthusiasts i think to help straighten people out.
some peoples idea of modifying a car unfortunately seems to be hitting up the ricer sections at canadian tire /...
i used to be able to count 25 - 30 mustangs every time i took a short trip to work on the transit bus to work in highschool. every inbred newfie in my hometown has at the very least one mustang. i have nothing against mustangs that have been worked on tastefully.
its just that where im from i...
haha no need for thanks boris. just get your ass up north to give me motivation to get new wheels to replace my chevlons. thats all the thanks i need. hopefully i can even get the small bend fixed if i get back to work soon too :)
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