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  1. Tanya


    Beating her husband with a broomstick maybe??? :evil2:
  2. Tanya

    What are you eating for breakfast:

    :biglaugh: I LOL'd for real @ that I think they use stem cells.
  3. Tanya


    Oh, that's right. You love women who are mute and chained to the kitchen, yuh? :D
  4. Tanya


    that's why you're such a woman hater :P can't have em without suffering SOME sort of pain, might as well incorporate that into fun time ^_^
  5. Tanya

    What are you eating for breakfast:

    ahahah gross. It's like Jell-O, made of horse hooves and dog bones :sarcasm: Tastes mighty good though :rofl:
  6. Tanya


    Boring old Aussies and their dislikes of whips -.-
  7. Tanya

    So a woman goes to the auto shop

    w0menz r smart tee hee.
  8. Tanya


    Is it bad that I used to trip over shock absorbers, cylinder heads, crankshafts and stuff going into my bedroom?? I didn't mind O_o
  9. Tanya


    wait you mean ovens aren't meant for baking out valve guides?? WTFNEWS2ME!
  10. Tanya


    I only whip my men into bed. :sarcasm:
  11. Tanya

    Even Google hates on the NAs

    :love: NA mk2 fo life!
  12. Tanya

    Valentine's Day............

  13. Tanya

    Valentine's Day............

    Oooo someone's gonna get the COUCH. pwnt.
  14. Tanya


    Welcome back! :D
  15. Tanya

    Valentine's Day............

    Eh, started off ok. I went out on a date last night to see *gasp* Friday the 13th. Let down of course. Then went to dinner, heh, cheapstuff. The proceeded to fun, I guess. Got home around 3am. I don't think my neck has ever hurt so bad without having any identifying marks... how...
  16. Tanya

    LS1 swapped celica

    Looks just like my 1st Celica, minus the V8 and wheels/rotors ;)
  17. Tanya

    So I finally get banned from SupraForums...

    I haven't been banned from any forum yet :D 8 years now I've been on SF too.
  18. Tanya

    New paint job on my old car. Come see.

    Crikey. with all that money and you can't afford a good camera? How am I gonna make you a new sig? but... looks sexy Jay!
  19. Tanya

    So I finally get banned from SupraForums...

  20. Tanya

    Username/Real name

    Tanya/ Tanya