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  1. Tanya

    Thinking of joining the military

    It's pretty much a guarantee I won't be joining the military, in any fashion, unless I go to the Army. Everyone else wants the GED PLUS 15 college credits and I don't have the MONEY to take the damn college credit courses. Also, financial aid for said courses isn't very easy to get right now...
  2. Tanya

    Finally got my own domain

    Bah, I meant a month earlier not a year. Oops, will fix that later. yeah the XX got a TON more options and trim levels than what we got here. It can be pretty confusing
  3. Tanya

    Finally got my own domain

    hehe, I choose to keep it simple because I am html/css retarded, so less is good for me so I'm not banging my head on the keyboard and taking 3 months to get the site up thanks all :)
  4. Tanya

    Finally got my own domain

    Nah I can't find any good GB codes to lay down, and I am far too lazy to build my own :'(
  5. Tanya

    Finally got my own domain

    Thanks to NDBoost, he helped me get my domain and host me, so I have been working nearly 13 hours/day the past few days to get my site up and together. It's not completely finished, I still have a lot of work to compile, more pages, more blah blah blah, but there's enough of it up now that I...
  6. Tanya

    Another Rod Knock Thread

    Worst damage he's seen? Gosh, he ain't seen nothing yet then. I've done WAY worse than that :D
  7. Tanya

    New paint job on my old car. Come see.

    Arghh... I have to make ya another sig now?? Let's see some real pics already! WTF! ...and while you're shelling out the dough to have a car painted that doesn't need it, why not have mine done since it DOES need it?:sarcasm: lol
  8. Tanya


    anyone know who organizes it?? since the big mk2 was just cancelled, I was looking to fly back to wa. for centralia, but I need a date!
  9. Tanya

    Data plate help

    good to know. i am a newer car newb. heheh as for the digit I was looking for info on, the Celica guys confirmed my thoughts, so all is well :)
  10. Tanya

    Data plate help

    Bah this is confusing as hell. According to the 4th digit after the dash = trim level. so Im still wondering wtf the 4th digit means before the dash. damn Toyota. edit* you dont have a firewall data plate?? thats not good. doorjam...
  11. Tanya

    Data plate help

    Yep, it is indicated here that widebodies = H ^This site explains everything after the dash perfectly, but is too vague on the digit I am looking for I have already determined that the 7 in the model code is generation of chassis. And...
  12. Tanya

    Data plate help

    I'm wondering if it's the same with JDM mk3s, since there was narrow and widebody yes? mk2s VIN = MA67 mk2 model = MA61... and is the same for both P and L-type. so it's weird. I would believe that last digit would denote trim, as the RA64 = celica GT and ra65 = celica GTS but i'm just...
  13. Tanya

    Data plate help

    *bump* can someone PLEASE go out to their car and help out? This one stupid digit is holding me up, lol
  14. Tanya

    Data plate help

    I am building my website and trying to include as much information as possible. I am trying to set up a data plate decoding page, deciphering EVERY digit on the data plate.... I am trying to confirm some information about the Supras trim level and information online is pretty vague. What I...
  15. Tanya

    Thanks,Vonda/MKIIIVixen and Chocolate!!!

    you guys are sick, LOL
  16. Tanya

    Thinking of joining the military

    Heh, the Navy is only an issue for me bc I know how bitter my husband would be if I passed (he went AWOL), it's just an emotional situation I would rather avoid, although it may be the best solution when the time comes
  17. Tanya

    Thinking of joining the military

    I'd rather not go to the Army if that means I am 100% going to war, which everyone has been indicating since I started thinking about this. I mean, of course I will go if I am ordered to, whatever branch I decide, but would rather have a better chance of staying away from the sandbox if...
  18. Tanya

    Thinking of joining the military

    I called the AF, MC and Navy recruiters, and they all told me the same thing... if I don't have a HS Diploma, I need GED + 15 college credits. As for the smoking and PT, I was already aware of that and was counting on it. As for now, I am getting my GED and then whatever happens after that...
  19. Tanya

    Thinking of joining the military

    well, I am getting my GED next month... but I found out I can't get into any service (except army) without having 15 college credits as well... so that kinda sucks. Will have to see what I can do after I get my pass step 1