I think she will make an great freeway monster, esp when I get into the flat states where people cruise at 95. Ever drive through mi? I was doing 90 and people were passing me like I was standing still, wish pa was like that.
She is low miles, the more I get into ripping her down the more I relize she has been pretty well taken care of. I found the tag for the garage he used and I think I will swing by and see what has been done to her.
Thanks for the reassurance on the diff, I did a flush today, nothing stuck to the magnet. and after cleaning the mess off of the outside I will know if it was just shrinkage from sitting or not.
I pulled the fenders today, really odd how some things rusted right through and parts right next to it show no signs of it. Cake getting them off, broke a few bolts cause I forgot it got hit on the one side. Lucky for me my neighbors kid was around with his small hands to help.
Get the fiberglass one being droped of on wed. Hope they don't have those gay ass vents on them but free is free. Looks like I might be getting a free fuel pump too, walbro knock off, but again free is free. Will worry about upgrades when I decide where I am going with them.
I am starting to really like this car, so easy to work on.