Thankfully I'm on the protect us, vs collect us team...I don't think I could do NSA collections ever and spy on's already pushing it with my libertarian political views.
Heh, I still firmly believe that the majority of Americans are actually Libertarians at heart, they just have been tricked into thinking otherwise. What part of, "leave me alone to live my life how I see fit, and I'll do the same in return," doesn't resonate with people the world over?
Lowes istaller
I install new windows, build decks, and vinyl siding. ...............I know what you are all thinking...........
Yes, I'm really good with my hands.
No wonder Vonda fell for ya.
I have similarly trained hands, I grew up playing videogames. Ladies love a geek haha.
Last time I was in Vegas was in '06. I'm probably overdue to head back. Perhaps 2018 is my year.
Go figure, that was my first year at SILV. Have been back every year since, with the exception of 09, 11, 12, and 13. Should join the rest of the Red & White convoy, this past event we had, oh... at least 5 Canadian cars there.
Heh, who defines "normal" anymore?

I can imagine all those experiences leave one with a particular sort of PTSD, or at the least a rather filthy feeling inside now and then, no?