You think your cat gets pissed?

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
JustAnotherVictim said:
I don't have cats and never will, they are bitches.

I used to think that too. It's all about how well you treat them when they are kittens. Oh yeh, I don't like baby things, do you?:nono:


Computer Aided Drafting
Aug 10, 2006
Man that cat had to have been abused, or in a lot of pain, or had rabies.

Since we're on the story of cats, my wife's dog used to love chasing cats, it was her all time favorite thing to do. When we got married, she moved into my house, and I had a couple of cats, outdoor cats only. This one cat I named TigerLady. She was the sweetest little cat ever, and polite for a cat. No "I'm better than you" Attitude.

My wife's dog Holly took one look at TigerLady and thought "Mmm, fun". The first thing Holly did was take off after the cat. My wife tried to stop her, I just said "Let her go, she'll find out..."

It was like comidy, TigerLady almost seemed to yawn, turned slowly toward the oncoming dog, and then transformed into a 4-legged Razorblade. The look on Holly's face as that cat leaped into the air, all 4 legs going at warp speed, slicing the ever loving crap out of her face, ears and neck. Suddenly a full on charge turned into a tucked tail retreat. TigerLady was in full war mode, 2 times her size from standing her hair on end, attached to Holly's ass. As Holly runs past us, TigerLady drops off, and calmly walks over to me and sits down. Dog fur still attached to her claws, she looked up at me almost like "Well how did I do dad?"

From that day on, Holly has become the "cat toy". It's great. All I have to do is say "Holly, CAT!!" and she just takes off.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
stanzaspeed said:
lol the energy that cat used in those 30 seconds is the sum of all the energy my cat has ever had... he dosnt hiss or get pissed at anything, he just kinda sits there and wanders around occasionally licking you once or twice :biglaugh:

hes like walking furniture!

now thats a cat I can like.
Does nothing, and acts like a dog.