You know you're a MkIII Supra owner when...


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
I'm going to start this off, and you can make up funny things, or things you find funny you have done or seen. I have seen one about MkIV owners, but not MkIII and trust me there's a difference ;)

I'm going to do 2 sections, one for N/A, and one for Turbo

You know you own a N/A MkIII Supra when..

You make spool up sounds while driving around
You're driving around and you only get a few looks
You can push it and not worry about getting the BHG as much as turbo
You say you will be turbo one day.. 3 years and still n/a
You hardly pop your hood
You see other MkIII Supras and you glance directly under the left taillight
You get questions all the time, and they stop when they realize no boost
You play GT4
You spend money on looks
You have at least one kid stop by and look at the Supra everyday
The same kid magically got your number...
And he tells his friends he knows you
When you see a Supra in your beater and you drool
You yell at your passengers "DON'T TOUCH THAT!"
You have never owned a turbo, but your in the turbo section all the time :D
You drive it like a turbo anyways :naughty:
Your dreams always have a connection with Supras and women
You have a personal connection with the microfiber towel
The "Oh Shit!" handle is just for show :3d_frown:

You know you're a turbo MkIII Supra owner when...

You have driven the car about 5% of the time you have owned it
You check your fluids more than you piss
You are reading 2psi under normal boost pressure and you throw on the hazards and pull over
You find it easier to be cool with the other turbo guys
The #'s to your local tune shop / dyno shop are on your fridge, or in your mind
The owners of the shop know you by name
You look in your rear view and see a kid on a bike while driving in the city, trying to catch up to you
You have had passengers holding on to the "Oh shit" handle
You hear a faint voice from someone telling you to "GET ON IT!"
You have presented your friends and family with specific rules
Your stock boost gauge is stuck at "9+", even when the car is off
You get pissed when everybody says car, not Supra
You hear somebody say Supra and your head turns real fast
Your car is on the lift more than you are on your girl
The same girl is in the Supra haters club
Every conversation you have, has to be something about a Supra
You are only famous in the Supra
You get revved at every stoplight
You have at least one piece of clothing that has something to do with a Supra
SupraMania is your homepage.... at work
You laugh when someone doesn't pronounce "Supra" correctly
Your family knows you pulled in
You are in the garage so much, when you lose something that's the first place you look
Also, your garage has a phone and a separate number than your house

Keep it going guys/gals!
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only these:
You get pissed when everybody says car, not Supra
SupraMania is your homepage.... at work
SupraMania is your homepage.... AND AT HOME
Your family knows you pulled in
You check your fluids more than you piss
You hear somebody say Supra and your head turns real fast


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
You have enough water, oil, and tranny fluid to refill the car after something lets loose... IN THE TRUNK.

You carry enough tools to replace a head gasket on the side of the road. And you can do it in about 4 hours. Less if your Supra buddies show up after you call in the cavalry.

Your local Supra meets always have a category for those who blew up their car at the show.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
When you are the nth person to repost this thread.
When you eat, sleep and shit supra.
When your car is done, and something doesn't feel right (need to make something better).
When you tell the civic that wants to race, that if he isn't turbo or a built all motor you wont waste your gas.
When your car is down more than it is drivable.
When you tell people a 61mm is a small turbo upgrade


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
MmmBoost said:
"you have the torque specs for every bolt on your whole engine memorized"

oh god I must be insane...

If you arrive someplace with a lap full of water and a dry head after it rains (FUCKING TARGA)

If the parts counter guys at the dealer know you and your girlfriend from just your voice.