You know what drives me crazy?


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
DreamerTheresa said:
Theresa for Dictator.

Just waiting for your orders your majesty. ;p

DreamerTheresa said: know they don't teach the electoral college in schools much anymore.

Based upon the senseless drivel I hear these days it doesn't appear they teach much of anything in schools anymore.


Guest people..and your feelings....

I think we are a country founded by the smartest people available at the time..and I think they did a damn good job.
I don't give a shit if gays want to marry..IMHO the only issue with gay marriage is a religious one..and if a certain church doesn't want it..then don't do it! But why shouldn't gay/lesbian partners be entitled to the same benefits that I am now that I am married to my wife? Do I not love her the same as they love thiers?

Bah....these threads are tricky.

oh one more point. Remember when pray in schools was removed? Now..try and remember how many school shootings took place BEFORE they did that.


that's it!
Sep 30, 2006
Salem, Oregon
lanky189 said: people..and your feelings....

I think we are a country founded by the smartest people available at the time..and I think they did a damn good job.
I don't give a shit if gays want to marry..IMHO the only issue with gay marriage is a religious one..and if a certain church doesn't want it..then don't do it! But why shouldn't gay/lesbian partners be entitled to the same benefits that I am now that I am married to my wife? Do I not love her the same as they love thiers?

Bah....these threads are tricky.

oh one more point. Remember when pray in schools was removed? Now..try and remember how many school shootings took place BEFORE they did that.

Dully noted sir. I personally don't see what the big deal with letting gay folks get married is. With the divorce rates as high as they are it doesnt seem to me that marriage is this "sacred bond" that the religious right says it is. People use the "what about the kids" defense. Well last I checked this is the part were you are supposed to be a "parent" and talk to your kids about what YOU personally believe is right and wrong. If your one of those ass clowns that lets society raise your kids and NOT YOU then you aren't fit to be a parent. And besides should gay folks be entitled to be as miserable, or happy depending on what your situation is, as us straight folks? I would like to think so.

As for the prayer in school issue. I personally dont have a problem with prayer in school as long as it isnt forced. If little Johnny and Sara wanna go stand out around the flag pole every morning and hold hands with all of their "Jesus pal's" and pray, by all mean's have at it.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
RHDMK3 said:
Dully noted sir. I personally don't see what the big deal with letting gay folks get married is. With the divorce rates as high as they are it doesnt seem to me that marriage is this "sacred bond" that the religious right says it is. People use the "what about the kids" defense. Well last I checked this is the part were you are supposed to be a "parent" and talk to your kids about what YOU personally believe is right and wrong. If your one of those ass clowns that lets society raise your kids and NOT YOU then you aren't fit to be a parent. And besides should gay folks be entitled to be as miserable, or happy depending on what your situation is, as us straight folks? I would like to think so.

Marriage isn't a religious institution not matter what the religious crowd would have you believe. It's a legal one. The fact that anyone, regardless of religion, can go to a Justic of the Peace or local judge and have a marriage performed shows this. It does not matter if they are a Christian, Athiest, Buhdisht, Jew ,Muslim, member of The Church of the Shatner, a Satanist, whatever. The marriage is the same regardless, and holds the same weight in society and law.

RHDMK3 said:
As for the prayer in school issue. I personally dont have a problem with prayer in school as long as it isnt forced. If little Johnny and Sara wanna go stand out around the flag pole every morning and hold hands with all of their "Jesus pal's" and pray, by all mean's have at it.

And this topic is even simpler. I don't think there are many people out there who care if anyone prays anytime they wish. If a child wants to pray for the last 5 minutes of his lunch period, so be it. If the atheiest child wants to spend that same time pondering about the nature of the universe, he can do so as well. But he can also just spend it playing or eating because it's a personal choice as to what to do with your free time. You don't need a govermnet led or enforced "moment of silence" to have that. If we passed a law that everyone face towards Mecca five times a day, but that prayer to Allah was optional during that time, christians wouldn't tolerate it. But they expect the rest of society to tolerate an attempt to legislate their religious beliefs.

What is all boils down to is power and control. Many religious types want to be in your bedroom dictating what you do, in the school dictating what your kids do, and in your leagal system dictating what the courts do. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" - Hah! It's a rare religious type these days that can live by that creedo. If you are one of the few who can, and you are reading this, kudos to you! And please tell your bretheren to think a little about what they do.

lanky189 said:
oh one more point. Remember when pray in schools was removed? Now..try and remember how many school shootings took place BEFORE they did that.

You're going to have to back that up and show cause and effect Lanky, because that's bullshit. I can just as easily say: "Remember when prayer in schools was removed? Now..try and remember how many people owned a personal computer BEFORE they did that."

And do some reasearch, mass killings at schools are nothing new. You've been brainwashed by the bullshit pumped out by politicians and the media. I'll give you an example: On May 18, 1927, 45 people were killed, including 38 elementary school students, by dynamite explosions at the Bath, Michigan School. The "maniac bomber" was Andrew Kehoe, a school board member and farmer. After blowing up the school he killed himself and the Bath School superintendent by blowing up his pickup truck... But you won't hear the media talk about it because it doesn't backup the whole anti-gun bias. And you won't hear the religious blow hards talking about it either, because it doesn't back up the "good ol' days" bullshit they spew.

Please try to pay attention to what the agenda is that these folks have.