Well, I was involved in an accident a few months ago... Insurance wrote my car off as a total loss, and even gave me the certificate of destruction. I decided to use this as an excuse to part out and make more on parts than by just selling. The towing company came yesterday and picked up the remains of my pride and joy and off it went to its new owner a few states away.
I have sold the parts that i managed to negotiate except the pair of xxr 521. Its been a pretty hard thing for me to finally let go of my supra... I didnt expect for this to be the way i parted with it, and seeing it in its current condition made me feel worse.
I used this as the start to my mkiv fund. I would like to thank everyone on this forum for the massive amounts of information and help. I honestly would not have been able to do my 2jz swap and countless other things. Although I wont be active as I used to I will check up every now and then.
You guys will however be the first to see my new supra in a few months/years time. Bigger thanks to everyone who held my hand when I first got this car when I was 16 as I was a noob. This is by far my fav supra forum, and I WILL be back

Drive safe, and be careful guys.
Photodump for the memories... in all its glory. From New to old.