XTD Clutch scam!


Zombie Chicks Are Hot
Mar 26, 2008
7 Cities, VA
Very well played sir. Very well played!

You have a donation from me if necessary for the LDF. People like this make me very angry.


cure for the common rice
Nov 3, 2007
toccoa ga
I completely agree with the admin, screw his product, us reviewing it is no different from say consumer reports, I would be a bad review either way, so for the sake of our members and supra users alike leave that puppy open and heck you mite as well sticky it!!!!


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Mike, you had me laughing at the tang, vitamin-C kind, but in stitches by the red and white suspenders. That was classic.

The truth will stand firm to those with eyes to see it. Those bind to it, will ignore everything but the best lies to be sold at the price of their own dignity.

I.e. Jimmy can tell the entire internet that Supramania is a bunch of lieing ass-clowns, but anyone dumb enough to believe him; well, we don't want them on here anyway.


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
It continues to amaze me how many people there are in this world that just don't get it. Keep us updated as to any further action on Jimmy's side and hopefully this will result in one less scammer making money off innocent people.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Keros;1597782 said:
Mike, you had me laughing at the tang, vitamin-C kind, but in stitches by the red and white suspenders. That was classic.

I actually can't take credit for that part, it is inspired by, and paraphrased from something that Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka wrote when someone threatened to sue his website Something Awful in a similar circumstance.

But thanks for all the support folks. I simply refuse to have someone try to bully us into being a censor for them.


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Lexington KY
So proud to be a part of a forum that alerted all of us to a serious scam going on. Also to know, that the same forum is posting the facts that is also hurting the business of the scam artist in question. Aaron and Mike are not only protecting us, but everyone that is wise enough to research a product before they buy. Think of the awesome service this forum is providing not only to our members, but the public in general. Never crossed my mind, that this forum could benefit the public as whole in this manner. Very nice to be a part of! Thank you Mike and Aaron for making us proud members.


Jan 4, 2007
turlock, calif
well played. xtc was put in my car some years back, absolute shit. 14psi and it failed.

to jimmy, one, if your gonna call foul, have proof

two, you got caught, PERIOD!! your product was measured against stock. end of story.

three, if your gonna bitch slap someone cause well i dont know, YOUR A BITCH, expect to get slammed back.

four, when trying to redeem your self image after shitting all over yourself, dont offer the one you "tried" to shit on any sum of money to "not tell anyone"

five...maybe i should have used 1..2..3..4 instaed of spelling it for him...:biglaugh: jus sayin


JZwhore of JAPAN
Nov 9, 2007
on the river
I am so glad that i bought a ATC over the XTC, after re reading all this, it just makes me feel even better.

Are you telling me that with all the guys on this forum that no one is a lawyer on here? id love to hear what a real lawyer would have to say about this.


Jan 4, 2007
turlock, calif
bloodasp90;1597861 said:
I am so glad that i bought a ATC over the XTC, after re reading all this, it just makes me feel even better.

Are you telling me that with all the guys on this forum that no one is a lawyer on here? id love to hear what a real lawyer would have to say about this.

i second this..... :)


Jan 19, 2006
I dont know if xtd and eclutchmaster are the same but they are pissed off. I called eclutchmaster to ask a few questions about the "2800 LB PRESSURE PLATE" he got mad. I didnt get a chance to ask his name. He was telling me if i was involved with the supra forums that are going to get a law swuit. Apparently he knows Action Clutch, XTD owners too, he mentioned Alex from Action clutch. God damn the word is out guys, about the whole law suit. I just wanted to let you guys know....


Jan 4, 2007
turlock, calif
i think i can speak for most of us when i say, there can be no lawsuit, there are no grounds to stand on. if u carefullty read all the post's here, not once did mike, or anyother sm moderator pull xtd outta the line up and purposly put false claim's upon them nor there product, the simple fact of the matter is, they got caught red handed cheating the public, and are trying to put fault to someone else. hook line and sinker imo.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
BOOSTEDSUPRA;1602294 said:
i think i can speak for most of us when i say, there can be no lawsuit, there are no grounds to stand on. if u carefullty read all the post's here, not once did mike, or anyother sm moderator pull xtd outta the line up and purposly put false claim's upon them nor there product

Well, someone has been paying attention. ;)


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
There are a couple of simple facts to consider.

  1. Supramania is a private club. Every single membership account is approved, by hand, by me.
  2. The Supramania forum provides a platform for club members to voice opinions on a large variety of subject matter. One of those areas is reviews of products, companies and services.
  3. You retain the copyright on your posts, this means we don't own or control the contents of your posts, nor do we accept any liability or responsibility for what you post.
  4. We intercede when a posts contents pose a clear and present danger to the continued harmony of the SM community. Some examples would be posts which are clearly illegal (i.e. - threats of physical violence, etc) or when your post content disrupts the operation of this forum. In the case of this XTC Clutch thread, the posts in question don't contain any such content and appear to be nothing more than the legitimate views of a consumer who is questioning the quality of a product, and the practices of the company providing the aforementioned product.
  5. Consumer complaints are generally considered Constitutionally protected free speech. This is why, for example, PayPal can't do anything about websites like http://www.paypalsucks.com
  6. For a case to have any merit under a libel lawsuit, the onus of proof falls upon the plaintiff that they must prove the statement(s) in question were made with "actual malice". In translation, that means that the person making the statement knew the statement to be false, or issued the statement with reckless disregard as to its truth. I don't see that here, and even if I did I wouldn't be inclined to modify nor delete the posts in question as the content is not my responsibility.
  7. Not to mention Supramania's is owned in Canada, hosted in Texas, and operated out of multiple US states, Canada and Australia simultaneously. The jurisdictional nightmare of a case such as this alone makes it laughable.

Approaching and threatening me, Supramania and/or its staff is invalid, as neither I, nor any member of the staff made the statements in question. Attempting to coerce me into modifying or deleting the postings of a member while simultaneously threatening me with a lawsuit and slander is, at best, an attempt at extortion, an act that is clearly illegal.
So far I've been:

  • Offered a $300 "donation" to take down the thread, implying that my integrity is for sale at discount rates.
  • Threatened with a baseless lawsuit in an attempt to coerce me into taking down the thread.
  • Threatened that he will "will write all toyota forums that you guys have very bad customer service" in an attempt to coerce me into taking down the thread.

Why exactly at this point would I be amicable to any request from this person?

After receiving threatening emails, I requested twice that they stop as I considered them harassing and unwanted. After my second request, I have received no further communication via email.

As far as I am concerned, the matter is settled from my perspective. When and if we receive any notice of complaint from a court of law, we will respond to jealously protect our interests. Until that time, this is all moot as far as Supramania is concerned.