The following errors occurred when this message was submitted:
This forum requires that you wait 25 seconds between sending private messages. Please try again in 21468 seconds.
Dude, that's a whole lot of fucking seconds to wait to send another message.. And I just signed on and it said I had a unread PM from myself, but it was from Jon..
Jon, if you see this call me in the morning, I need your address for the deposit. Call me around noon your time, or I'll call you until you pick up.
This forum requires that you wait 25 seconds between sending private messages. Please try again in 21468 seconds.
Dude, that's a whole lot of fucking seconds to wait to send another message.. And I just signed on and it said I had a unread PM from myself, but it was from Jon..
Jon, if you see this call me in the morning, I need your address for the deposit. Call me around noon your time, or I'll call you until you pick up.