well just finished up with the dude, we had bunch of noise. so he ran new wires and splitters all from outside to under the house. checked it went from -59db to 0db

tested internet to find no difference. we checked the internet on another computer that was wired, and come to find that it was the computer itself with the slow problem. the other computer got a whoppin 65mb/s lol. so i tried mine again to still find that im getting 12-20mb/s
so after i was told that it had to be the NIC card on the computer then i was like well shit. that sucks. so he left. i started messing around with it. make sure its not just the ethernet cable or router port or drivers. found nothing. well the only thing i could think of is how about the firewall. i uninstalled it to find out my fears were true. the firewall slowed me down. alot. tada 50mb/s baby WOO lol
the score kept bouncing so its not exactly 50 but much better than 12-20 lol.
so just to keep in mind. dont screw comcast, screw zone alarm and their crappy firewall