WTF Comcast


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
ok to all comcast users, im not saying that comcast is awful or i hate them "well i do" im just not saying you should to after reading my story of hell.

ok so the story begins with internet connectivity issues. we do your normal restarting of modem and router crap over and over. it fixes the problem temporary. give it yet another minute or so and the internet would just drop off the face of the earth then i'd have to refresh my pages like 20 times then it would come back to life again.

called comcast, they checked the health of the modem and said it was fine and they didn't see anything wrong. so then they sent out a technician to look at the connection. he saw what i was talking about and said i was loosing packets. ok so he replaces some of the cable lines and installs some splitters trys our internet to find it works now. that's great. then he leaves.

well not more than 10 minutes later pop comes up the problem again every 1-2 minutes sometimes seconds. so my brother started to help me out with this problem to find out my Log files in the router have listed some intresting things besides admin log ins and updates. there are almost over 200 Dos attack : smurf attack's listed from multiple ip's i read up on this to find out this is legit but doesn't happen often and could be because we torrent quite a bit. but this is also happening at the same time the internet goes out.

called comcast again about the dos attacks. explained to them what was going on, they did their health checks again on the modem and are saying that there is still nothing wrong and since the log files are on the router that it is something i need to contact netgear about. so they gave me the number to netgear and i called and explained everything again to them, 1st i want to say these were the least knowledgeable people i have yet to talk to and the worst English i have ever heard next to Microsoft tech lines. So they go on about telling me they have never heard of anything like this before. so after giving them numbers for the model of netgear i have and a bunch of personal information they inform me that it is nothing on there side and that comcast are the people who are needed to solve this problem so they transferred me to comcast again. then this is where i get pissed now. so the guy from comcast answers the phone, and says something and couldn't make out a word he had said. asked for him to repeat, still couldnt make out a f'ing think he said. those assholes at comcast netgear department transferred me to the Spanish line for comcast. so with the poor guys limited English he told me to call comcast again because he cant transfer me to them.

so i call again, got through all the dumb menu's and crap, told my home number and address and name on account for the 5th time. explained to the lady on the phone its not her fault and not to take it to hard, but explained that i am very angry with what has gone on in the past week. and what jungle i have gone through. may i put that i was watching over a teething 8 month old baby while im trying to do all of this crap. and she apologized and told me that she hopes she can solve my problems. to keep the story short, it ends up with me calling a different number for netgear then previously stated. i call and same crap get thrown around once again. now looking at the logs i have dos attack : smurf <<< forget what this does
dos attack : Fin scan <<< scans for open ports
dos attack : storm <<< dum dum dummmmmm!!
netgear still has no idea what this is or anything, so before they said more i hung up on them and called comcast again, didn't even care what they wanted just told them send me a technician who knows his shit.

so that is when i met Chris the technician, the second Chris showed up i stopped him before he could do anything and explained to him what was happening and before i know it he was about to turn around and do the same dumb health check on the modem and crap, but before i let him do that i showed him the log. he saw almost the nearly over 50 dos attacks i had gained in the hour. he stopped everything and made a call. and after doing a bunch of inky dinky crap again. it comes to conclusion that my modem has been targeted. possibly because the previous owner of the modem might have been doing bad things or had something like a business that had confidential information and was being attacked. so he went in to the routers settings and he changed the displayed mac address, showed me how to do it if it starts to happen again. the attacks stopped and i was thankful for him. thank you Chris.

so after going a couple of days with good working internet i thought everything was great. then i did some speed test's at to find out our internet is now only running at 12mb/s and we are paying for the 50mb/s service so now im just about to kill someone, i tried multiple servers to make sure it wasn't just a overloaded server. also tested at speak easy, same thing capped at 12mb/s. then all of a sudden we were noticing at around 10pm the internet would start to die off again.

so i call comcast again. all the same crap above gets told again. they send out a tech again, and guess what. its chris again wooo. so i show Chris the problem. he then goes and gets on the phone with a comcast maintenance member, meanwhile he is outside checking all outside connections, replaced every connection he could. even if it had a little dirt in it. checked the lines for noise and ended up finding that my neighbors connection was causing a lot of noise, replaced one of his connections and noise would go away, then come back on. comcast told him he cant see noise, that it is impossible to see noise and whatever he is seeing its not there. so then he is now also getting mad and confused. He noticed alot of packet drops were happening and then noticed that they were going to what they called a rouge modem. he explained that this is a problem, and it is related to their side and not mine. then told me that matenince is going to find the buddy who is sharing your internet and hacking our line. i told him to have comcast call me when they have gotten an update.

3 days have now gone by. no calls that i knew of. then my father informed me that there was a message from comcast saying that they had information regarding my service and was confidential and important and needed to speak immediately. so i call them to find out that i am getting a warning because we have gone over our bandwith limit of 290GBs and we have downloaded just slightly past 690GBs. so i explained to the guy what we have had going on the past month or two, and i told him that im not going to lie we do download alot but that amount is both of my hard drives combined in space and that there is just no way in hell we have downloaded that much within a month between me and my brother. he noted everything i had said about the rouge modem and crap. he apologized and said he wished he could help me out but he was in arizona department. i told him its going to be an expensive trip so hope he has the gas money lol. he then informed me to give the comcast people a call again since he has no access to the information of my account besides my usage.

so i call them again lol, told the person to find the information on the previous call, he noted to me that he saw that the security department had called about the bandwith, i explained to him what i explained to the other people, he said that the previous problem with the possessive rouge modem had been fixed. i checked my internet speed while i was on the phone. tada im still only at 12mb/s internet is still crashing randomly.

so as of today i was able to get him to send out a supervisor tech. with 3 other people with him so they can all see the problems first hand. i have gotten 1 months internet pay reimbursed since 1. not getting what im paying for 2. the bullshit i've delt with. 3. they have nothing more to upgrade for me lol.

so tomorrow i will have a tech here at 10-12 and im going to just tell them to grab the modem shuv it up their asses and just replace the modem and give me a new mac address like they should have in the beginning. but ill make sure they do all the new lines and everything first.

sorry the story was so long guys, i just had to let the world of my friends know what kind of BS i've been dealing with. and the sad thing is this isnt the first time i've had problems with them. i have had it when i lived in the mount vernon area in my dorm. had random cut outs there to. same excuses, there was alot of noise in the system. blah blah crap me your soul and give me your money.

what do you think about this? oh and verizon fios isnt availible in my area so thats out of the question lol


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
Dude comcast is one of the top 10 worst companies for customer service. They are so bad that they are on the list of "forbidden words" in my Service ops mgmt class lol. Soon as the string it down my street I'm all for fios!


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
any way the wind blows
lewis15498;1466089 said:
Dude comcast is one of the top 10 worst companies for customer service. They are so bad that they are on the list of "forbidden words" in my Service ops mgmt class lol. Soon as the string it down my street I'm all for fios!

Dude, I cant believe you read all that


Oct 28, 2005
Sanford, FL
I read the entire post because I had a similar issue.
After a new modem and countless visits from several different techs, they finally sent someone that actually knew what he was doing. It turned out a cable (for cable service, not Data) we ran outside the house a couple of years ago to reach another room was 'low quality' and was 'feeding' back into the modem. Cable was replaced by the tech and everything went back to normal.

My dilemma took almost three months to get fixed.


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
its BS aint it. makes you want to sit there at the door step for the tech to get there with a gun ready and just call them in one by one lol. jk but for real, this has got to fix itself, and better be soon.

they never even gave me a new modem. i request it each time, and none of them have the modem in the van at the time.


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
would borrow another modem, but it would have to be a dosis 3.0 motorolla since thats all there is that will support 50mb/s no one else has it lol we are the only people in the neighborhood


Jul 22, 2009
I too have had many problems with Comcast and there customer service. Comcast has recently become my cable service provider, and all I can say is ever since the switch from my old cable company I've had nothing but problems with my cable