WTF a new corolla with a fart can tried to race me


Setting the standard
Feb 22, 2007
Central Florida
I was going to work and at a light.. this guy in a new corolla with rims and a fart can pulls next to me revving. I look over (window down i like fresh air), and I just smile and shake my head. He looks all serious like he's got a shot.

The light turns green, i take it easy in 1st gear (not worth the drivetrain stress), didn't even hit boost, just got that big bitch gt40 wheel spooled to around zero and i guess he thinks he's going to win we are neck and neck, then i popped it into 2nd, floored it, left two black lines on the road and gained a few bus lenghts within a second. I slowed back down to the speed limit and he caught up, but wouldn't drive next to me or stop next to me at the next light.
