Wow! Old CRTs suck ass!


Stock is boring :(
Apr 5, 2005
Melbourne, FL
Maybe I haven't used a top of the line CRT but all I've used aren't that clear, not to mention harder on the eyes. At work on my Sun system I had a 21" crt and every once in a while would give me headaches. They upgraded my system (lease ran out) and got a 21 or 22" lcd and was much easier to see and easier on the eyes (no headaches anymore). I assume Sun wouldn't ship that shitty of a CRT (probably not the best either though) with their systems.

Yea I got a 8800gt so the 1680x1050 is fine for all my games. I dont have crysis so no issues there. I had problems (sub 30 fps in the demo) with 1600x1200 on high with my crt, but 1280x1024 was fine. A better config and some overclocking on the gpu might get 1680x1050 to run ok.. but cod4 and tf2 (games i play) rock out, so im good.

plus was on sale for 290 (50 off), I had 140 in gift cards so figured what the hell (was waiting for the samsung 22" to go on sale for cheap, but hasn't in the 3 months i was waiting. and this is on par with the samsung if not better people are saying.)