I was boosting strong in 3rd up a hill yesterday and out of nowhere boost simply STOPS and engine light comes on. So I limp it home.
I check the codes and 34 is showing, Turbo Pressure Issue. Check IC piping, turbo inlet fins and go to start her up again. She fires right up and boosts normally for the rest of the night, no codes after battery reset and stays that way.
Fast forward to this morning.
Fires up fine and idles for 15 secs then abruptly stops, no sputter or rough idle.
Simply shuts off. No codes.
I try to start it up again and it just doesn't want to. It gets to just about where it will start then lights dim/ almost go out for a second with a little shudder then keeps rolling over and repeats this process. Battery voltage at 12.3volts and starter seems to be working normally. Light smoke out the back. No codes.
What happened?
I check the codes and 34 is showing, Turbo Pressure Issue. Check IC piping, turbo inlet fins and go to start her up again. She fires right up and boosts normally for the rest of the night, no codes after battery reset and stays that way.
Fast forward to this morning.
Fires up fine and idles for 15 secs then abruptly stops, no sputter or rough idle.
Simply shuts off. No codes.
I try to start it up again and it just doesn't want to. It gets to just about where it will start then lights dim/ almost go out for a second with a little shudder then keeps rolling over and repeats this process. Battery voltage at 12.3volts and starter seems to be working normally. Light smoke out the back. No codes.
What happened?