Remove glove box etc. disconnect all conectors back there to make it easy. Raise hood, go to exhaust side on firewall look at where the harness enters take a screwdriver and pop it loose, pull the harness through. Now by the thermostat housing start disconnecting all the connectors, don't forget the lower ones by the coolant hose. Tug them lightly and follow the route to the connector. Once you have all on them disconnected on that side move the harness on top of the valve covers, now raise the vehicle and disconnect 3 connectors/sensors from the transmission now go to the intake side of engine bay and pull the transmission end harness up or you could disconnect it and leave the speed sensor etc. there. Then disconnect all connectors on intake side, then open the plastic wire holder at top of timing cover and remove the harness. You should be good here.
Hint it is easier if you remove the accordian hose, and upper intake.
I know I just rambled but thats basically it man. There are only like 2 or 3 like connectors so re-install is pretty easy too. GL man