Keep an eye out for my build thread, I have some things planned for this winter.americanjebus said:ok to prevent the hijacking and to answer the question in my mind,
Nate, Whats next?
and dont say "the world chico, and everything in it."
kwnate said:Keep an eye out for my build thread, I have some things planned for this winter.
da89soup said:So Im pretty sure in the ROTM rule book if you sell the car while you are ROTM you automaticly loose all of you ROTM perks. If you dont believe me look at rule # 46 in the ROTM rule book. Its plain as day. Hence forth the old ROTM would get his banner spot back. HMMMM now who is the old ROTM
Done, what do you guys want to talk about today?da89soup said:Nate please dont let this thread die!!! Give us something to talk about. We all promise no more Jacking..................................:evil2:
suprahero said:I might have believed nine or ten thousand
da89soup said:Hero, How do you put a price on art????? My guess is even if he got 10k he would still be loosing money!!!!!!!
suprahero said:I don't know what's going on in Washington, but I plan on finding out.....................:biglaugh:
kwnate said:Guys, I drive a semi for a living. If I lose my license then I lose my job.
DON'T Drink and Drive a MKIV.
suprahero said:Fixed!
HellsLegion said:He is jsut sad his ROTM thread is FTL. He had to con duane to make this story believeable