Red Dragon said:great looking car!
btw, where is the archive for ROTM?
da89soup said:Thanks!!!
Do a search for ROTM you should get the winners. Be carefull though stay away from last months winner he is a real nice guy..........:love:
suprahero said:Soup, that was awful nice of you. I happen to think you're a nice guy as well. You also have a very sharp looking supra. Everytime I see it on the banner, it makes me remember that mine is no longer there. I hold no bad feelings for you though (mutters pos under his breath)...........................:biglaugh:
Turbo. Targa. Life. said:*cough* fuck you weezl *cough* Well since you're getting a new soup--you can donate your old weezl wings to mehaha
theWeezL said:ok...Ive stopped laughing wait...............:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
ok now Ive stopped. The new turbo is a Targano ones getting my wings!They will just be getting a new coat of paint. Or...perhaps a powdercoating? hmmm, I'll have to see what kinda money I got left. Im cutting this one real close on fundage.
Unless someone wants to take this lovely sweet running awesome looking 89 NA off my hands!
HellsLegion said:Stanza Speed wins next months. Automatically
HellsLegion said:Sweet! Fixer upper? Is it an older one?
Tell me its wood =D
HellsLegion said:Sweet! Fixer upper? Is it an older one?
Tell me its wood =D