ok so I've recently noticed that when I start my car and let it warm up a little and then go drive it starts to smoke when I come to a stop at idle... but it's only every once in a while... so I checked my IC for oil and sure enough there was enough oil down in the lower ic pipe to let it get sucked up into the intake... so now I have this watery oil in my intake system(I know it's not a bhg b\c I keep checking the coolant and oil levels and they don't seem to change other than my oil getting a little lower b\c of an oil leak... I also tasted the oil to see if it had a sweet taste and sure enough it tastes like gas and oil mixed...lol)... so I drained my IC of oil(didn't fully clean it) and now when I'm at idle if I blip the throttle it smokes... other than that it doesn't smoke... now I haven't driven it since this all happend so I'm sure if it smoked just blipping the throttle it will smoke when I drive... does anyone have any clue as to what this could be... COULD IT INFACT BE A BHG!!! and I just didn'tnotice it... or could this be oil burning off... rings? valve seals? please help...
Thank you
Thank you