its all good everyone
no hard feelings
after all i do come to all of you for answers haha
uhm I have all the vacuum lines on the intake side hooked up properly I do believe, of course if i am wrong then that may be something, i am not sure
however, i have not gotten a diagram of the exhast side so i try my best to make that all correct
if anyone can confirm which lines go where in detail (if thats not too time consuming) then that would be awesome
i was talking to my friend who is a good mechanic and he said it may be taht my timing is just a bit off but using the scope it was exactly at 10 degrees before tdc give or take .5 degrees
the idle is rough at first, then once the engine gets going it is fine
it is hard to start from colddd but after a few times of trying to turn it over it goes
i do not know what codes it is reading, but i dont have the knock sensors hooked up but i dont think that would do it. im doing a re-wire so that should be done soon
and p.s.
i just changed the gasket + arp studs
if i mis-torqued the head just a little bit would that cause any problem
it was over torqued for about a couple weeks without the car being started
i re-torqued the head to about 85-90 ft-lbs consistently as best as i could
and i believe the engine is running rich from what i can tell
thick white ish smoke when revving up to 2500
i dont think i messed up the gasket because there is no oil in the coolant or anything
only some left over particles from the block and rusted old radiator