I'm running the Maft Pro in Speed Density Mode. All connections have been checked so many times that I know them by heart!
My IC setup is pretty standard. 2.5" Aluminum Pipe with a Driftmotion Spearco Replica. I am running electric fans and have them set to trigger just above the thermostat temp.
20G Turbo.
As you can see in the graph below, the MAT's just about double in this 3rd gear pull from 2k on up. This is basically how it looks in every pull.
It was approximately 48* at the time of this pull.
My IC setup is pretty standard. 2.5" Aluminum Pipe with a Driftmotion Spearco Replica. I am running electric fans and have them set to trigger just above the thermostat temp.
20G Turbo.
As you can see in the graph below, the MAT's just about double in this 3rd gear pull from 2k on up. This is basically how it looks in every pull.
It was approximately 48* at the time of this pull.