Andrew - The Itinerary: Well there are people driving from allllllll over the place this year, so you guys can plan your own routes...but as far as where everything will be: The majority of the know is going to be in Bloomingdale.
In Bloomingdale, the reserved hotels are here along with Sound Performance (Dyno shop). Elmhurst, IL (Elmhurst Toyota), where we're having the Show-N-Shine, is about 15-20 minutes away from Bloomingdale.
Here is a map just to give you an idea of where everything sits.
Updates on the drag day - Just keep an eye out for Nelson's word on that in the Chi2k7 thread. Last year, Drag day was hosted at Lakeway Dragway...but I'm not sure if that's going to be the case for 2k7.
EVERYBODY (Including myself)....Get your cars finished up!!!!!!!! It's getting closer! :biglaugh:
Jay - Take that question mark off of the Original Post....Bet your butt I'll be there.
Tennessee/Kentucky/Bama/etc, anyone BELOW Indiana
.... We should start planning out some sort of schedule for driving up. I noticed Jay says he, Vonda and the kids will be stopping in Kentucky for the night to continue on Thursday? Hmm..
I won't be driving up until Friday morning...so...Throw out some ideas, guys!