Who's drunk right now!?


Achieving Balance...
Mar 30, 2005
I respect ppl that don't wanna drink, their call, why fight 'em? Some of my friends bug the hell out of me cuz I don't smoke up everyday... guess it's along the same lines.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
jbsupra89t said:
I respect ppl that don't wanna drink, their call, why fight 'em? Some of my friends bug the hell out of me cuz I don't smoke up everyday... guess it's along the same lines.

yea in the end the guy who didnt drink is the guy that saved everyone elses lives by driving them home or atleast keeping a dui off of their record.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Kodiak, Alaska
SP 7M said:
I hate babysitting drunk people, but don't get me wrong-if a friend needs me, I'll do whatever I can to see that they are taken care of. That's why I pretty much avoid big parties.

i find it kinda fun sometimes being the sober one, cuz then you can have fuin with the drunks kids. get them to do stupid shit that they normally wouldnt do hahahha. hey i gotta have fun some how, and if i'm not drinkin i am making the best of the situation


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
SP 7M said:
I hate babysitting drunk people, but don't get me wrong-if a friend needs me, I'll do whatever I can to see that they are taken care of. That's why I pretty much avoid big parties.

Here's what sucks:

My base has a HUGE problem with DUIs. If you are out with someone and they get a DUI, you are toast. This pisses me off, because I was in a situation like this a long time ago when the rules were not so strict. I was out with a group of friends, and I was one of the designated drivers. Everyone but one guy was just about ready to go, so I told him "15 minutes and we're outta here - get ready". "10 minutes" "5 minutes". "Alright, time to go". "Oh, man.. wait a minute. I'll be there in a sec". I went outside and waited for 5 minutes. I had someone run in and tell him one more time to get his ass outside. We waited 5 more minutes and then took off. Luckily, he didn't get a DUI, but still on Monday morning at work, the guy AND a supervisor chewed me out for leaving him behind. I was like "WTF - a cab won't wait for you for 5 minutes, why should I wait for 30?" I gave him ample warning. I am just glad that the same policies that are in effect NOW were not back then, and that I don't go out "with the guys" anymore. Here is an excerpt from Friday's e-mail:

"Wing Commander's policy on DUI's or alcohol related incidents-
DUI or alcohol related incident you lose your driving privileges on base for a year.
Wingman of a DUI or alcohol related incident, you also lose your driving privileges on base for a year.
Wingman definition - If you are in the car and your buddy gets a DUI or you are in the area where an alcohol related incident occurs.

Layman's Terms - If you are there and you know about it or your drunk buddy can identify you, better go buy a bicycle.
Bottom Line - The Wing King is not playing around. "

I do my drinking at home.


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
SP 7M said:
I'm not a drinker. Never have been and never will be. Not to say that I haven't drank before, but it's just not my thing. You wouldn't believe how much shit I've gotten for it over the past several years.

Same here... though I've never really gotten any crap for it. But then again I just avoid the whole party/ drinking scene so that might be part of it. It's just never really been my thing. Never had any real desire to go out and get drunk. *shrugs*


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I go on 12 hour shifts tomorrow. Guess who's doing a little drinking TODAY, too?
Check this out: My shop chief is so intelligent that instead of making a NORMAL 12 hour shift of 7-7 with the rest of the shops, he wants us to work 5-5. I am on night shift, but he scheduled me for MORNING physical training, at 7am! This means that I wake up at 4pm, get to work by 5pm, work 12 hours until 5am, then I have to WAIT until 7am to do PT. It usually lasts an hour or so. That means I get out and am home by 8:30am if I am lucky. That gives me less than 8 hours of sleep if I fall asleep immediately and don't spend any time with my wife.
If he expects us to get to work 15 minutes early, I am gonna go on a shooting rampage. What drives me nuts is that I have been in the military for over 8 years and have NEVER seen a 5-5 shift before. It's always been 7-7. I'd put money on it that he scheduled this around his kid's football team schedule [he's their coach]. So WE all have to sacrifice something, but he doesn't. I HATE that guy. He's the same guy who was complaining about the day-shift not keeping our tent stocked with water in the desert. I checked the rest of the guys on my shift, and we all were getting our water at the gym or chow hall. I personally brought 8 cases of water into the tent, and only drank maybe 2 cases of those during the whole time I was there. Basically, I did more than my share. He kept leaving nasty-grams in the tent, and then one day at shift turnover he said "Hey, I'm tired of asking - now I'm telling. Stock the tent with water." I stacked cases in front of his entrance to the tent, and ever since he has had a major attitude towards me.
..and now he's the guy who writes my performance evaluation.

Alright, I am done venting.

Anyone here have an unreasonable boss who drives them to drinking?


I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
My boss isnt unreasonable, just senile... he tells me to do something then yells at me half an hour later for doing what he told me to do, at first it was funny, but now its just stressfull and time-consuming...