Who's drunk right now!?


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
MK3Brent said:
I'm better than CK.... going on 8. :p suuuack attt
what you don't understand is that I seldom really think someone is a fucking worthless tool

really... I'm not kidding. it's fucking rare for a true philosopher and Buddhist to think that the whole universe would be better off if one part of it never existed.

Every time i read anything you write I have to spend HOURS trying to find some reason to justify what combination of assfucking could cause the cosmos to vomit you into existence.

I really do wish something horrible would happen to you. Perhaps then I might have some spark of emotion somewhere in my soul that would make me think anything other than utter abject revulsion at the thought of you existing at all.

Fortunately for me, I don't spend hours trying to justify your existence. I know that large part of the universe is made up of dark matter, insanity, and chaos. You are born from that.

Do every living thing a favor and end yourself.