who would win in a fight?


Geekin out
Nov 20, 2006
starscream5000 said:
For the record, not all sharks suffocate when not moving, some actually sleep that way. Do any you actually watch the discovery channel? ;)
But is the Great White one of those sharks? Also, I vaguely remember that they cannot breathe when turned upside down, but that may be Crocodiles, I don't remember. It was on one of those fighting animal shows where they put a Croc against a Shark and when they turned upside down neither could really do anything...


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
I decline to comment on the shark, there's some good ideas out there though, pretty funny too :icon_razz

In all seriousness, the bear... Grizzlies are badass. They can run up to 55kph (35mph), they can climb trees, and their skull is much akin to a plate of steel.

All vital organs are buried under layers upon layers of muscle and fat, and it's brain is heavily protected by it's thick skull. Vital points are the mouth (of course), nose, eyes, ect.

Humans are just not equipped to fight a grizzly bear; it's too strong, too fast, and possess claws and teeth. We of course, unarmed, have none of these things. Even if 150 kids could "dog pile" a bear, what are they going to do to it? tickle it to death? Humans, even adults, lack the strength and natural weapons to inflict any physical harm, and would likely be killed in one hit by a massive paw.

I suppose it's like trying to attack an armoured tank with a BB gun. Humans are on top of the food chain because of our ability to create technology by manipulating the environment around us to better suit our needs.

I think without the use of the environment, our 150 brave little warriors are going to end up smeared across the forest floor. Give the little guys something! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
starscream5000 said:
For the record, not all sharks suffocate when not moving, some actually sleep that way. Do any you actually watch the discovery channel? ;)

Of course, such as the angel shark, or the carpet shark, aka the wobeegong from australia actively passes water through its gills, but those are mainly bottom feeders, or ambushers so they must remain still. Great whites, and many other active predatory sharks, such as white tip reef sharks, makos, tigers, and GREAT WHITE'S all must remain in constant motion in order to pass water through their gills and breathe....

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Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
i think 20 some kids would rush the bear, the other 130 would scream in terror and run away leaving ~20 dead.

w/ the shark, i think everyone would jump out of the fukin pool and anyone unlucky enough to get bit would less than likely get completely eaten by the shark but just have a limb or two ripped off.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
RazoE said:
Of course, such as the angel shark, or the carpet shark, aka the wobeegong from australia actively passes water through its gills, but those are mainly bottom feeders, or ambushers so they must remain still. Great whites, and many other active predatory sharks, such as white tip reef sharks, makos, tigers, and GREAT WHITE'S all must remain in constant motion in order to pass water through their gills and breathe....


Ahh, so there is someone on here who watches the discovery channel :biglaugh: .


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
IIRC, the predatory sharks that you do not see moving, who are "taking naps", are actually laying in areas of current that move water over their gills for them.
As for the ones that cannot breathe when turned upside-down, I do not know if that is a breathing problem, per se, but I do know that it will tranquilize some of them, calm, or even put some species into a sort of trance [like the Lemon shark]. Even so, you don't want your hands too close to the mouth or tail when they are in said trance.
On another issue of urine, I don't know all of the species that do it, but the Bull shark [mean mofo] recycles urine/uric acid to maintain it's salt balance. This is why the Bull shark can survive for long periods of time in fresh/brackish water.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
If one of the fifth graders whispered in one of the bears ears that the other bear said he growled like a honda civic driving little girl, then maybe the bears would fight and kill each other off, or wound each other so bad the fifth graders would have a chance...............:icon_bigg