dam, where the hell did he find a fitting cup holder!! >_<MassSupra89 said:
dam, where the hell did he find a fitting cup holder!! >_<MassSupra89 said:
Afunk said:what's the point of two SAFCs?
that is perhaps the closest picture to resemble a fighter cockpit, nice!! >_<supralover2000 said:Howard aka BlackdevilSupra has the most crowed cockpit. I have a an old pic of his, and it doesnt show the 4 other gauges on the left and the 2 other apexi units in front of the passenger side! Hopefully he will chime in here and give all of you guage nuts and visual treat!
I so love the aircraft gage on the third picture because I fly, Is It an EGT gage? I bet that it cost a nice Penney.NJsupraA70 said:I think this guy on SF takes the cake, Lol: