Where to get Masterpower T70?


2jz swapped!
Jul 17, 2005
Reno, Nevada
Adjuster said:
My MP T-70 uses standard T4 sized oil supply and drain mounts. The threads were NPT IIRC. But I did not use the threads, I used the adapters for the feed, and the drain. (The feed has a small hole in it, limiting the amount of oil my high pressure setup will flow to the turbo, so it keeps it from smoking...)

Hard to see down there, but it fits pretty well when you cut up and modify the Ebay manifold.

I bought mine from Mike Turbo. Sorry to hear there is a problem with buying them right now.

I have not actually run this turbo yet... LOL Need to get my Maft Pro wired up still...

What I love is that it looks so small under there.. :) LOL You do not even notice the 4" inlet when it's covered up with the 3" upper IC pipe... Stealth can be fun sometimes. This should be capable of nearly 600hp I hope.

See, it looks stock right?

Oh my... Your bay is beautiful!!!

The IC pipes...kit or DIY?


Cars never talk back
Apr 6, 2005
mckinney, tx
Cya said:
they are rated at 800+ crank hp. Now if the 7m can push it that far only time will tell.

if the 7m can push it to that 800 crank?? man where have u been lately the 7m can and will push it that far if not farther with owners disgresion.



Supramania Contributor
I built those IC pipes a few years back, but have changed the color now to candy apple red with clear coat. (Powdercoated of course.) :)

The T-70 fit pretty well, but it was only on the 3rd try that it fit so well.... The ebay manifold really is a good deal, but only if you either have an adapter built up, or are ready to cut and weld and finish the job they started in China... LOL (Same goes for the underside, you can't see the 3 changes to the wastegate mount that I ended up doing... (50mm Ebay copy of HKS gate.)

So, this turbo is rated to 800 crank? Should be easy to get 600rwhp then from my build up. :) (And more than that is just tire smoke and traction problems from what I've seen, however, there are some very nice 800rwhp 7M's out there.. )


New Member
Aug 12, 2005
Columbia, S.C>
The hp rating depends apon the tubine housing. I know the .68 is rated at 850, then there are the (iirc) 1.18 that the mustangs use and there is another smaller than the .68. Ill have to find the info and post it.

I can't wait to get mine on. Adjuster what size spacer did you use for your ebay mani?


Supramania Contributor
The specs that I have.
69.5mm inducer minor. (IIRC, the major is like 88mm or something...)
Compressor housing AR is .70. (Thus the T-70 name I suppose.)
P-Trim exducer.
Hotside AR is .63, housing is not divided. (I ported it slightly, and it should spool up nice, yet still flow quite well.)

The waste gate is a coated, and blueprinted 50mm Ebay/China copy of the HKS design. The iron housing is coated, valve is coated, and the guide and stem are coated with a product called TSX, and then lubed up with extreme temp grease/anti seize with copper and moly in it. I also put a mirror finish polish on the valve shaft as I heard there were some issues with quality on these waste gates, but generally the only issue is either a weak spring due to heat/placement issues, or the valve sticks in the guide. I tested it a few times with compressed air, and it works great on the bench. We will see on the car.

CHRA is simple bearings and oil supply/dump. No coolant passeges other than the oil. I did thermal coat it however for appearance, and to limit heat transfer from the manifold to the turbo. The oil should do just fine keeping it cool as I use synthetic, and pressure lube before start up is the plan. (Still have not put this entire thing back together yet... LOL)

Perhaps sometime before Christmas.


New Member
Aug 12, 2005
Columbia, S.C>
Adjuster said:
The specs that I have.
69.5mm inducer. (IIRC, the major is like 88mm or something...)
Compressor housing AR is .70. (Thus the T-70 name I suppose.)
P-Trim exducer.
Hotside AR is .63, housing is not divided.

CHRA is simple bearings and oil supply/dump. No coolant passeges other than the oil. I did thermal coat it however for appearance, and to limit heat transfer from the manifold to the turbo. The oil should do just fine keeping it cool as I use synthetic, and pressure lube before start up is the plan. (Still have not put this entire thing back together yet... LOL)

Perhaps sometime before Christmas.
What size spacer are you using?


Supramania Contributor
I never took any photos of it, but my manifold is not stock from China anymore :)

I used three T4 flanges, welded onto the manifold, to lift and turn the turbo how I wanted it. (Think sliding a deck of cards while twisting the pile...)

This moved my turbo forwared, turned the compressor housing so it aims more at the snorkle hole, and raise it up so it would fit on the manifold.

I also cut and modified the waste gate flange a few times, untill I got it right where I want it, and turned the right way. (It's bassackwards from China.)

I would reccomend the following if anyone else wants to do it this way.

Tack the plates together, but not to the manifold... then weld them up on the backside first, then to the housing... It was a royal PITA to try and weld up inside the manifold with my MIG setup. (With a stick and a mirror, it would not be impossible, but you'd have to bend quite a few rods to get it done right..)

Oh, then I've also ported the crap out of the setup, and used a grinder on the outside, so it almost looks like just a pipe was welded up on there.. (Would have been the easy way, but no, I had to figure out a way to complicate it to the 9th degree...) :)


toyota tech
Apr 13, 2005
funny i just picked up a ebay header, and my t-4 70mm fits with the s cover(4" in 2.5" out) no problem. I also have an hks short runner flanged for a tial 44mm that i was using. Will be interesting to see if there is a performance difference.


Dec 10, 2006
Sorry here is the dyno again!