your level of arrogance is only second to your ego, the fact that you believe your age and experience makes your more knowledgeable in such an absolute way that you feel the need to post your credentials just to feel important and prove you are right is a sad thing. my age an experience have absolutely nothing to do with my preference for doing things. you like crimping and thats fine by me. circuit boards never crimp does this mean its an inferior piece of technology and it is flawed? well by your definition yes. ever thought car makers crimp because it is easier? quicker? more cost effective than training someone how to solder? i dont know the answers however i know that using electric tape to wrap a crimped wire in an engine bay that gets considerably hot is not such a good idea and yet auto maker do it, so it has to be right? (notice how i dont care to specify how hot the engine bay gets?

this is because all engine bays heat up differently so no need to specify) that logic is flawed my friend.
this thread (as someone stated) was not to start a whats best discussion but more a where can i get what i want discussion. at the end of the day, it is preference so stop trying to impose your preferences on everyone simply because your so arrogant you believe that only your way is the right way.
i wont even bother to reply to any more posts you make about this topic because your opinion is just that and it is irrelevant to the original question. maybe you should consider learning how to read better before you continue to provide uneeded/unwanted information. i appreciate you all for your input but i am already done with what i was trying to do (i could care less whose right)