OK, in your second picture, I easily found it on my car, it is a short vac hose that goes toward the firewall to a T-fitting that branches off, one branch of vac hose goes to the cruise control speed controller and the other hose mates with a small tube that runs somewhere off to the opposite side of the engine bay. At least that is where I put it back after my BHG rebuild and I was pretty damn meticulous about labeling EVERYTHING.
As for the first picture, I can't find a vacuum hose or nipple, can you re-describe that bit for me or did you figure it out? I see a corroded coolant line nipple at the top right of the pic...no vac stuff. Which injector is that? cylinder 1 or 2 area or did you stick the camera in somewhere funny? (by 1 or 2 i mean front of the engine, just encase I went backward.)