where can i buy stainless steel hardline for a turbo feed??

Sep 19, 2011
Des Moines, IA
black89t;1981380 said:

what do you think about heat wraping the feed like i had it before? at first i thought it would help but the more i think about it the more unsure i am....it might just be trapping heat in that part of the line and hose end. i didn't wrap it cause im still up in the air on it. :dunno:

I would leave it. I have ran stainless line on my last two turbos and havent had a problem. I think you should be fine.

I have always used the premade precrimped lines for my oil feed. I have never had a problem with them. I only know one person locally that has ran an oil feed line that he had made out of reusable fittings, and I believe he has been running it for a couple years now. Either way should in theory work tho.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
atmperformance;1981434 said:
you could also do the poor man's heat shield of 3 lays of aluminum foil twist tied on

haha yeah idk about all that.....im just gonna leave it how it is. sure it will be fine. starting to think that heat wrapping the line is going to make it to it can't radiate heat off trapping heat in that part of the hose and hose end. that was more of where i was going with my question. not how to go about it.