Looks like I'm the first to say I'm an insurance adjuster... (Actually, I mostly just train them now, but I still handle the odd difficult claim from time to time.)
Nothing like being handed a steaming pile of an insurance claim, and resolving the bugger in 20 min. or less. (Really P.O's the new guys.) But if they learn from it, that's what counts.
Pay is not too bad either. Travel is hell, I'm gone with this position at least 40 weeks a year, but I'm home most weekends. (Travel out on Monday, teach 3 days of training, and then go home late Thursday night, clean everything up on Friday and get the heck out of Dodge ASAP.)
Those Helicoptors are the same airframe the President uses right? Nice way to get around. (I'd want the 30cal mini gun v/s the 50 IMHO,, more rounds, and even if they don't pack the punch of the 50, you can hit them with more 30's and make up for it... LOL) What you guys really need is a 20mm cannon, targeted to your visor... Just mount them on the hardpoints outboard of the landing gear... Brings new meaning to one shot, one kill..
I'm reading this excellent book by Michael Crichton called "State of Fear." It debunks global warming, and basicly shows the envrionmentalists to be the fear mongers they truely are. I think it should be required reading for every highschool student on this planet. Seriously. (Same with "Deep hot earth" by Thomas Gold that debunks the whole idea that hydrocarbons are dead animal and plant compost.)
Of course, as long as the media and college professors with a cause (IE ex hippie 60's types.) keep pouring out and out lies into the heads of brainwashed kids, we will keep hearing about global warming due to the burning of fossil fuels... Yada Yada BS.
Oh, and anyone who think's college is not a festering zit on the face of humanity for anti-American ways of life, you obviously have been smoking too much of what one member here got busted for that is sold in 5.00 baggies....