souprat said:
13.5 is my goal time. so i think thats great. what are your mods?
It's will only be your goal untill you reach it :icon_razz Then it won't be fast enough, you'll want 13 flat next, then you go for the 12s and that seems fast for a while, then you need more :icon_evil it will never stop. it's an addicition you can not break, or even want to. :love: :love:
it started for me 3 years ago, ran 14.0 beginning of year, got to 13.3 by end. next year at start, 12.7 and got down to 12.3 at the end. this year started with 12.01@115. few weeks ago ran a 11.84@117. was going to go tonight but got rained out, will have to wait a few weeks for the 11.5 that I
WILL run before the end of the year.
next year I wil be standalone and shooting for the 10s if I don't get it with that, it will be sprayed :naughty: