what would you do?


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Siman's got a REALLY good idea.

If that failed to resolve anything, as in, it happened again over something equally stupid, it gets very simple. Small claims court (or whatever it's called down there) for a new fender. Tell him that he's welcome to counter sue for the cost of his putty knife.


New Member
May 23, 2005
Lebanon, OR
I second that motion! At least the new fender part. Let this guy know that he's got people supporting him.

Edit: didn't read siman's post, that one is much better. Im a dumbass who can't read! :)
Last edited:


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
there's no point in having fellow members pay for a new fender, have a police report filed, take it to court, and get your fender that way... seems simple to me :)


2.5 Twin Turbo R
Staff member
Mar 30, 2005
Calgary, AB
if it cant be resolved with the guilt trip or resonable conversation. i would sugest legal action. the prick smashed the fender, he should pay. plain and simple. there is no reason for causing $200+ damage to a car over a putty knife. if hes that much of an ass about a putty knife id say he has issues. just my 2 cents.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
and it was made for taking crap like gaskets off.
neways what siman said will only work if this guy has a brain, and from what i get about reading this he doesn't.
First off, I would go to him not in a all pissed off mood, but in the WTF is your problem mood. Tell him how childish he is, because again ITS A FREAKING PUTY KNIFE!. ask him why he has to throw things again like a child. Can he not respect other peoples property. Ask him kindly to pay for the damages of the car, (and you being the friend, must support him on this, being the eyewitness) or you will take him to court over this and get the law to make him pay for it, make sure its in cash. show him that you dont F uck around by not getting pissed at him when he is around. Listen more than you speak, %90 of the time these type of people will put their foot in their mouth over what they say. also record it, just for legal purposes.
again who the hell is a so called parent throws a hammer let alone anything, is this guy 9, cause my 10 year old brother acts better than this guy.


Apr 9, 2005
In an Igloo
Hmm, I'd print out this thread and hand it to him. Have a video camera rolling in the background so we can see his reaction.

On a serious note, I would consider the legal action that has been mentioned again and again. I have no experience with step parents, but I think that the courts send a pretty strong message to those involved.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^ i was thinking that to, like print this thread out or get on a comp and have this open and let him read it. i mean come on it was a puty knife, its not like the dude took a gold knife to scrape the stuff off


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^ screw him, sounds like the guy needs a good ass kicking and taught how to act like an adult. the world is going to hell because of people like him.


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
yeah, unfortuantly you must think of it as he is an adult...and unfortuantly you must hold him up to that until proven otherwise...

My way of dealing with it was to PROVE if infact he had a heart and/or brain.
You just cant "jump to the case" with people like that...they are libel' to snap AGAIN...and not just on inaniment objects....... :icon_surp

If he looks at it and acts like he deserved it w/o telling him thanks......its time for legal action. Thats proof that he is incompetent as a father and a caretaker...and is distructive of property and has a really bad temper...counseling anynone? ( I think I misspelled counseling)



New Member
Mar 30, 2005
ya plain and simple, bring him to court. No one likes court ;) specially when you loose and it costs you $$$. Then tell him, you do that again, and your going back to court. But tell him this in the out most calme, be mature about it, no screaming, if he starts yelling (cause hes a freak) just walk away and say, you need to grow up, oh, and ill see you in court ;).

Plain and simple, I get threw life happily keeping it simple. And the law always scares the shit out of people if you ask me, if your lucky, the judge will send him to a anger managment class.

Hope everything works out. Freaks are all around us, in every sence.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
if court happens, and he loses...
my friend will be without shelter.

he will be kicked out of the house permanently.

i like simanns idea, anyway. oddly enough...


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
(sorry in advance for the long story)

Hey guys this is Kurts friend who it happened to. Basically my stepfather has a short temper and anything he find to bitch at me about he does. With me just graduating from high school he still thinks he owns me because I still live under his roof. Even though I have a full-time job and will be paying rent starting the day my little brother and sister go back to school. What happened was earlier in the day I came home and was playing hockey with my little brother (who is 7) and hit him in the side of the stomach with the ball and and he started crying and my step-dad flipped a lid saying I take advantage of him everyway possible pretty much because my car was in the garage for 6 weeks while replacing the headgasket and waiting for parts beyond other stuff when u just get a car and are trying to make it look decent while you have most of the engine out.

So I left for the day (after the incident with my brother) and came back home later on. I started to take the turbo out so when the new jblmk3 oil lines come in we can just put everything back together. So my parents leave and I go to where all MY tools are are in the garage and take a putty knife that is with MY tools. He comes home and flips a lid cause supposedly it's his putty knife but it is with MY stuff. So he's yelling and i'm just going about minding my own business and he threw something of mine at my toolbox and it bounced and hit my car. I asked in a calm tone of voice to please not throw anything in the direction of my car which to me is my most valuable posession and the only thing that I would want to take with me when I left the house if I just had to leave. He goes off the wall again and before I know it i here a smash and theres a dent in my fender my side marker light is popped out and theirs a chucnk of the molding missing. I look and theirs a hammer laying on the ground. I flip out at him now and he wants to fight me. I would of loved to have done somethin but out of the respect for my little brother and sister that wouldnt know what to do if thier dad was arrested I just walked away and let him yell. So at this point I have talked to my mom on the phone once and she really doesnt know waht to say because she knows I am really pissed. But thats really all for now I will keep u guys updated on what goes on

Thanks for the input and support. it means a lot to know that there are people out there who feel the same about our own cars like my friend and i do.


New Member
May 23, 2005
Lebanon, OR
Good luck in choosing the right thing for you to do. I feel for you man, but this kind of action has to stop, or he will do this to you're little brother and sister later in life.


Supramania Contributor
1) You can turn in a comp claim if you have that insurance coverage. Your insurance company will ask/require you to report this to the PD> (GOOD IDEA IN ANY CASE) < ** If you use your insurance, they will then subrogate your SD, and recover the money. (including your deductable.) ** This is why they need the PD report, to have reason to subrogate. (Sue him.)

2) You can sue your SD in small claims court. You should report this to the PD NOW.

3) You can continue to live with this, and do nothing, and next time, it might be your head being smacked by the hammer. (or your Mom's, or your other family members.....) Get my point? This guy needs a reality check, and some counseling. (I hear they offer that free in prision...)

I feel for you because this is not an easy situation. He is not your Dad in the real sense, and appears not to be making any effort to play the part. I'm more worried about your Mom and other family members than I am your fender and trim. That stuff is easy to repair, but broken people are not. If he's hitting your car, he's hitting your Mom and brothers/sisters. Anger does not just surface at one person. And this guy is angry at something. He's not angry about this putty knife, he's angry at life, and your part of his life. (Lucky you eh?)

I know it's not easy, but you need to talk to a police officer RIGHT NOW. Go down to the local PD, and ask to talk to someone who specializes in family conflict. Calmly explain what went on, and if you want, have your witness also talk to the PD. They will likely record your statement, so don't make anything up, just tell it like it is. (Not easy as emotions tend to sway your thoughts.) The PD can then decide on what course of action to take. It may be tough, but if it saves your life, and/or the life of your family members, it's worth it in the long run.

That being said, IF I had a SD, and he threw a hammer at me or my car, I'm not sure what I'd do. I would likely talk to the PD in any event. Find out what your options are according to them. Never hurts to have a friend in the PD, especially as I don't think this is going to go away easy. (Even with Siman's idea of a guilt trip.)

Either way, good luck with this difficult situation.


2.5 Twin Turbo R
Staff member
Mar 30, 2005
Calgary, AB
agreed. he sounds like a scary guy, trying to fight over a putty knife, sure doesn't sound mature enough to be a father/stepfather whatever. good luck in getting this sorted out and i hope it all turns out for the better.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Man if this guy flipped out because ur 7 year old bro got hurt and then flipped out again cause of a puty knife and then wanted to fight u, likely the next thing that happens no matter how big or small it is this guy is going to end up hurting himself or someone. i would for your safety and for your family get this guy some help, and avoid all contact with him if possible. also get your car to a friends house, it seems that he has no respect for you or your possesions. and RENT ur just out of high school, he should be helping you pay/get into college not demoralize you by u have to pay for rent in your own home.