Your roommate doesn't know his ass from his elbow when talking about cars, either that or he's just trying to whip you up into a frenzy, which looks like it's working.
It was a bullshit "race". You know, I know, we know.
A 20 year old car that weighs over 3000lbs and makes 200hp is NO MATCH for today's sporty cars. You had fun, so who cares. This kid drives a Hyundai, and it's usually those guys who start these BS fights.
I had a kid come up to my black Supra in a parking lot when I had the hood open, showing a friend.
Never met this kid before, this was his opening line
Kid: "Hey man, is that a SUPRA?!"
Me: "Yes it is"
Kid: "I thought so! What year?"
Me: "1990"
Kid: "Is it TWIN TURBO?!"
Me: "No, that's the new ones, this one is single"
Kid: "Oh, that sucks. Haha"
Me: "Sucks? I doubt it. What do you drive again?"
Kid: "That Kia over there"
Me: "THAT sucks."
and I closed my hood.
My friends tried making fun of me for getting "made fun of" over my "single turbo junk" but these kids are always the ones driving econoboxes or using their mom's car for transportation.
Really, don't let it bother you. I laugh at these situations because it's their bitter contempt coming out in it's purest form.