What the hell?! Electrical issue


New Member
Apr 4, 2013
Lacey, WA
So thanks to Shaeff, my car now runs great with no CEL!

Now I just replaced the fuse for the clock because it (as well as my aftermarket temp guage) stopped working. While I was there I decided to clean up some wires by relocating the guage to the cigarette lighter because I don't smoke or need to charge anything. The positive for the guage is the positive for the lighter, the ground is grounded to the frame, and of course 1 wire going to temp sensor. Now the issue that I'm having is when my heater is OFF, the temp guage reads normal, but when I switch it to low, medium, or high, it like cuts my readings in half. Also, the clock keeps resetting itself to 8:00 after I turn the car off.

Any suggestions here guys? All help will be appreciated :)

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
MK3_CT;1939474 said:
The positive for the guage is the positive for the lighter, the ground is grounded to the frame, and of course 1 wire going to temp sensor. Now the issue that I'm having is when my heater is OFF, the temp guage reads normal, but when I switch it to low, medium, or high, it like cuts my readings in half.

Uhh, where is the thermistor hooked up? I assume you are talking about an engine coolant temperature guage. Low, medium, high? On the climate control?
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New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
If you have the clock positive wire running to the cig lighter, then it will reset everytime you turn the car off. That is a 12v switched circuit. When the key is not in the acc or on position there is no power. As far as cutting the readings in half, no clue. Check with a multimeter on your stereo wiring harness and grab a constant 12v supply for the clock. Plus if the gauge isn't wired into anything other then the cig lighter, and grounded to the chassis, then there should be no issues with the readings. Recheck all the connections and make sure that nothing is loose.


New Member
Apr 4, 2013
Lacey, WA
The whole clock is wired to it's original wiring, so no clue what's up with that. And all my connections are fine for the temp guage, absolutely nothing has to do with the heater so I'm not sure why the hell it's interfering so much!