My guess is buttons made from aluminum or some other soft metal. Those don't appear to be key scratches IMHO. (Most key'd cars have one long deep scratch where the perp walked down the side of the vehicle and tried to look calm while scratching the hell out of the car. They generally don't make multiple passes.)
Just my .02, but I do this for a living. (Not key the cars, but deal with them after they have been keyed.)
Try cleaning them up with a cleaner/wax. It might just come right off. Then move up to more abrasive cleaners and polishes as reccomended. Just don't get too agressive as you want some paint on the vehicle right?
My key story goes as follows. I attended a local car show a few years back. Parked my sedan out away from the crowd as I did not want any door dings. Some ass nugget in a brand new Chevy pickup parks right next to me. (There is about 10 acres of parking lot, and literally hundreds of parking spots open, but this guy had to park right up close to my car.)
So, I'm walking to my vehicle, open the door for my wife, help with the daughter and then walk around to my side. Guess what? They door dinged me. Could not belive it. (This guy's truck still had the new tags in the rear window.) So, pulled out the huge Ti key that Q45's have, and left him a nice note while walking around his nice shiny new truck. One pass is all it takes, and then left the scene. I think that's fair eh? He is a shithead, and I can live with a door ding I suppose. My wife did not even notice, but asked what I was doing? Said I wanted to check out that new truck, and I liked the color...