What Tems Shocks to get for my 87 Turbo


New Member
Nov 14, 2015
Hi ALL, I've been researching what replacement shocks to get for my 87 turbo that will function properly with the tems. I do not want to ditch the tems, I had it brand new on an 86.5 back in the day, and like the ride it gives when not worn out. My 87 recently bought 87 with 65k miles on it, doesn't feel horrible, especially in sport mode, but I feel new shocks will really bring back the ride like new.
The problem seems to be, that the oem replacements are not available anymore, at least I can't find any. I have read a lot about the Tokico Illumina II's some say they are not real great, wear out fast, and it takes luck to get a good set that isn't malfunctioning right from the factory. Others say they are pretty good. One thing I don't understand about them is that they claim to be Tems Compatible and have 5 settings, but the Tems has only 3 positions, so how does that work.
So I went over to the Dealer yesterday and inquired about having all the shocks replaced, the Service rep talked with some of the techs that have been around a long time, and the parts guy. The outcome is that the oem's are not available, but they can get a set of Monroe's that are tems compatible and install them. I haven't heard of or come across a Monroe that claims to be Tems compatible, but the Rep says he can get them, and install them.
My question is, has anyone here had any experience with a Monroe Tems Compatible shock that allows the tems function to perform as oem. And those that have chosen the Tokico Illumina II's how do they feel and perform, does the tems work like it should, and do they fit right on, od do mods have to be done. And is there any other shock set that will work with the tems, and install without mods.

Thanks for any opinions--Semper FI.


Far From Maddening Crowds
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 30, 2005
What are they trying to pull on you, there are no Monroe shock that function with the TEMS.
Sure they are "compatible", only in the fact that they fit in the same place as the originals.

Direct from their site: "w/ Electronic Suspension; Premium - Limited Lifetime Warranty; Procedures Available to Replace Electronic Adjustable Product with Non Electronic Adjustable Product"

Your only options to work with TEMS are the Illumina's, retrofit TEIN with their EDFC, or some NOS original Toyota shocks you find shoved in the corner of an old dealership.

I have not heard anyone address the 3 settings TEMS vs the 5 settings Illumia's either.
Anyone clarify on this point?


New Member
Nov 14, 2015
Hi, thanks for the reply. I haven't seen any Monroe that works with tems either. I did find KYB Excel-G part # W0133-1622518 Fronts, and W0133-1622216 Rears that Claim to work with the Tems system. They are available on a few sites including partsgeek.com for 43.33 fronts, and 42.33 rears per shock.
Any opinions on those.
Semper Fi--Luck to all.


Far From Maddening Crowds
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 30, 2005
KYB Excel-G are not TEMS adjustable.
They are just another typical gas unit.
"(For Adapting TEMS to Non-TEMS Suspension); To Convert from Electronic Susp. - See Paper Catalog Appendix C; Recommended OE Replacement"

I am not sure how Partsgeek is coming up with those part #'s.
This is directly from KYB site:
Front PN: 341089
Rear PN: 341070

The only other closest option is to get a unit with a manual adjust knob on the top.
Or Koyo which has to be taken off the vehicle fully depressed and adjusted, then reinstalled.

You could also contact a manufacturer and have whatever you want custom made as well.
I believe IJ did this, as well as others probably.


New Member
Nov 14, 2015
Hi, I checked into the KYB's further and yes it seems that they are just a gas shock to replace the shocks without TEMS use. Here is the excerpt from the KYB Catalog Appendix C
TOYOTA SUPRA MAR. 1986-91 with TEMS (Toyota
Electronic Modulated Suspension)
1. Remove shock actuators.
2. Unplug TEMS module located under the dash.
3. Remove & install shocks per instruction sheet supplied
with units.
4. Use the following units: 341069 Front, 341070 Rear.

So obviously they do nor satisfy my purpose at all.
After the holiday I am going back and question the dealer more about what shock he is talking about.
Semper Fi.


New Member
Dec 31, 2015
Be very careful!!!
Cannot stress that enough.
TEMS compatible doesn't mean TEMS working!
We have installed the Tokico Illumina II TEMS Compatible Shocks.
What we have found is they do not adjust with the TEMS system.
Caution! Caution! Caution!
Search the internet regarding the same issues others are having with these SO-CALLED TEMS COMPATIBLE NON-TEMS ADJUSTABLE!


New Member
Aug 3, 2010
Blythe, California
I just ordered these shocks on ebay. They are just called Tokico Illumina not Illumina 2's. From what I have gathered, that is just the name these days. So is Skip correct and they are not actually going to adjust my shocks when I press the button or it senses change in speed, brake, etc? Anyone that is using this setup, can you confirm whether your TEMS actually adjusts your shocks?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
My current TEMS shocks, OEM through Toyota are KYB. If KYB says they do not have a TEMS compatible shock, then Toyota does not let them sell it under their own name as part of the manufacturing agreement.