what should I do ?


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
got a friend I grew up with, he;s 30,

he has no ambition, live with parents, is slow an will proly live with parents when he's 45...

growing he was the 3rd wheel, but we always included him. we grew up an all of us grew apart, (normal)

we stated hanging out , he comes down to the houae sometimes on the wkends to shoot pole, drink some beers an B/s.....

he has a huge weed addiction,, -- i'm cool about it, but dont let him bring it into the house,,, " I drink alot" , I dont think I am better then you if you smoke, I just dont want nothing to do with it since I get tested alot with work....

3 wks ago, he tell me his car is vandalized, an he got shitty with the cop , true story..

he tells me hes at a bar drinking, an cop see's his car an waits for him, when he comes out, threatens to give a dui, unles he gives hin 100 bucs, ( extortion) ..

so he pays, his old man has a joint account to monitor his funds, so he pleads with me to borrow 100 to cover the cash so his old man dont see it missing.,
ok i give it to him..
.... all a bull shit story !!!

I am concerned an tell his old man about extortion an his old man tells me he lied to me ... for money

I am so disheartened,, , a friend that I grew up with.....

when he comes down to b/s drink some beers etc, we usually play for mony, ,, just a few dollars.. thats all
one wkkend, i left a single dollar on the pole table,,,,, it sat for a whole wk,, next wek he came down, he went to the cellar early so he can smoke a cig, ( only place I let him smkoe cigs in the house) well when I came down the buc was gone....
had asked him an he played it off like he wanted to see if i misse it an gave it to me... (fucked up)

a old best friend an I were talking about him, an i learned that billy, ( the slow friend) blows a ton of money an steals from parents, an learned that all his money is gone, an that there is no way hes smoking that much weed,,, .... he only makes about 8 '50 an hr

we seriously think he's hitting the pipe !!,,,, , billy is a follower, not a leader, an deffinately follows the crowd...,,

if I find out that he's hitting the pipe, coke or anything other that weed, I will beat his ass an then tell his old man that I beat his ass..

my question is,,, i dont let anyone in my house if I dont trust you !! period

i learned he has sticky fingers, ,, should I still let him come over on the weekends to kick it with/ drink a few beers shoot pole with b/s with or should I not let him in my house anymore ?

I am really disheartened her about it all,

being 33 this friday the 10th of Aug an knowing him since I was about 6 ?????



Was dgilman360
Sep 28, 2006
Lakeland Florida
Yeah dont let him into your house and talk to his dad about the whole situation maybe someone else can talk some sence into him

He may be an old "friend" but friends dont steal from friends

so Dont Let Him Into Your House!!!!!!

at least thats my opinion.....

Ninja edit

I wouldnt even talk to him anymore and if he gets snippy with you tell him to fuck off and that you dont want anything to do with liers and theives


1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
you should sit down and have a man to man discussion with him to tell you how you feel and that he needs to quit the shit and that you dont know about having him in your house anymore cuz of the allegations....then if he dont listen beat some sense into him :)


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
^^doesnt work, ive had quite a few friends start doing coke and such. they just dont want to listen and you will just be blowing hot air.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Like Skam said, I would "try" having a man to man with him. So, in the end if he doesn't listen, you would know for yourself that you tried to help him.

All in all, I wouldn't keep a "friend" around if he is pulling the shady stuff no matter how long we've been friends. Also, don't beat his ass just because of the kind of person he is. That wouldn't resolve anything. Let his pops or worst case, the cops take care of the problem.

Good luck and hope all works out for you.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
At 30 years of age, he shouldn't need his father to take responsibility for his actions, or dole out discipline. If he hasn't learned by now, there's little hope. You can try a man-to-man talk, but his frame of mind seems scattered and lost, from what you say... he won't really hear any of it.

Cut him loose, and focus on your goals in the future instead of clutching onto the past. Will, you seem to have your head screwed on in the right direction; don't risk getting involved in anything shady that you don't have to be. Knowing someone since they were 6 years old doesn't give them a reason to disrespect you in your own home and get away with it.

Tell him that until he grows up, he's not welcome in your home. He's 15 coming on 31, it's probably time he got some hard lessons.


New Member
Jul 14, 2007
New Jersey
yea.. you could talk to him .... but still dont let him in your house. im that guy with my friends that loyal to death but still even if you want to be loyal.. if you cant trust him, it doesnt matter who he is, dont let him near your shit, dont give him money, let him flop alittle, let his parents know hes effing with their money when he should have his own life at 30. its time to help him grow the F#CK UP


supra is gone
Jan 30, 2006
Keros said:
At 30 years of age, he shouldn't need his father to take responsibility for his actions, or dole out discipline. If he hasn't learned by now, there's little hope. You can try a man-to-man talk, but his frame of mind seems scattered and lost, from what you say... he won't really hear any of it.

Cut him loose, and focus on your goals in the future instead of clutching onto the past. Will, you seem to have your head screwed on in the right direction; don't risk getting involved in anything shady that you don't have to be. Knowing someone since they were 6 years old doesn't give them a reason to disrespect you in your own home and get away with it.

Tell him that until he grows up, he's not welcome in your home. He's 15 coming on 31, it's probably time he got some hard lessons.

i think you hit the point exactly! why is it the dads responsibility to discipline and manage a 33 year old man! i know how you feel man i have a good buddy who has also fallen into the spiral down. the best thing you can do man is just cut the ties and move on. if you see him good for you, you can shoot the shit and have a brew but i wouldn't go out of my way to involve myslef. and talking to them about it really is pointless. good luck man. not an easy choice


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
he's 30, , but be's a little slow, deffinately not the sharpest tool in the shed,,

I prolly will just not let him in the house since i willl have to hide my money...

anyway.. just wanted yins 2 cents......\\



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Will definitely try and wake this guy up, even if he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, its prolly cause all the drugs hes been doing. Being a little slow isn't an excuse to not live a normal life. This guy is just looking for the next hand out, and you giving it to him isn't good, and that he thinks your loaded. I would try and help him, talk some sense into him, because right now, it sounds like hes climbing down the latter instead of up it.